Chapter 11

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Izuku POV

I got everything i needed out of diffrent hidden spots after making sure the camera couldn't catch me and wasn't filming. I made myself an alram for 1 a.m. and it would remind me every 5 minutes after going off. I still wanted to sleep tonight. At least a little after not sleeping for the hole last night.

I then sat down at my desk and started going through the plan. I fill in everything i possibly knew and every new information, filled holes i just realised, excisted and then got all the information on all heros which could possibly be there aswell out of my other notebooks. I put them all with the plan together so i wouldn't have to search them. 

While i did that, my alarm went off 7 times. It was now 1:30 a.m. I decided to go to sleep, so i put everything away again and went to my bed. I layed down and let everything repass my mind, which happend in the past day and it was really much that it shocked me at first. 

But i just took some deep breaths and silently whispered "Here goes nothing" before putting out my light after checking my alarm. 

Narrator POV

Like that the week went by.

 Shinso had mutiple breakdowns because of not seeing Denki but he managed to get onto good terms with his parents again so he didn't had to go to someone of the Dekusquad, which he didn't like. 

Izuku made more and more plans and searched for more and more informations. He got for like every possibility a back-up plan and had many diffrent typs of holes found in his plan, which he covered in every human and inhuman way.

The rest of the Dekusquad was staying low and acting quite well. They didn't want to attrac any attention so they just stayed with the class while Izuku closed himself off more and more. 

The rest of class 1-A was in a rather depressiv state. They were very silent because their main funfactor was missing. They had not much to do anymore because Nezu decided to give them some time, so they only had school and no training for a week.

Talking about Nezu, he and the other teachers were still on the search for all the other traitors. They had no idea, who it was. With Denki, they noticed it because he made some little mistakes like forgetting his act sometimes or stuff like that. 

But now?

They had nothing. No clues. No hints. No ideas. No mistakes from anyone.

It was frustraiting to say the least. 

On top of that, the LoV was staying low latly.

It was like the calm before the storm.

And that  was excatly it.

Izukus POV

A week was finally over. It was finally Monday.

I've never saw Hitoshi be so sad and depressed for a whole week. The last time i saw him in a similar state was, when he joined the LoV but we quickly got him sheered up again. And now the only thing which could so that was Denki.


Today he can meet Denki again. 

We somehow managed to convince Aizawa to let the whole Dekusquad, including Hitsoshi, go at once. Maybe the connection from Hitoshi and Aizawa helped aswell. 

Well, anyways. Hitoshi gets to finally see Denki again and i can get my plan of the building like how is where and stuff. 

And i already know how.

It definetly can go really, really bad  maybe even get uncovered but i didn't really care right now. The information is to important to just not risk everything to get it. If something goes wrong, Shoto will know, where to find the notebook with the plan and everything else insentinal, which i already got ready.

But i need to think positiv.

We all met up at the frontgate, where we were picked up by a limousine. The limo was completly blach and with tinted windows. 

By the way: With 'we' i meant the Dekusquad including Hitoshi. Aizawa was here aswell. He needed to be and he also needed to join us to the Tatarus. It was actually just a mere formality. 

When we all went into the car, i noticed with a shock that we weren't the only one's in there, no. Nezu and All Might as well as detective Tsukauchi were inside the car. 

Okay, okay, okay. What the hell is going on?

I was really shocked inside but on the outside, i kept my act up. The act, i was playing since i was 6 or 7. Since then i was always playing the happy, cheerish Izuku Midoriya. I never let anyone see the broken, alone and sad Deku. 

But well, that 'Deku' changed to something diffrent. A dangerous, evil and insane Umferis.

(A/N: Short explanation for the name: It comes from the latin words 'umbra inferis' which pretty much means 'shadow of the underworld'. I just mixed them a little and i liked the outcome. I hope you agree with me.)

I smiled and said my greetings before just sitting down and looking out the window. Shoto sat down next to me, which i knew, because of the way he put his arm around my hips. I leaned into the hold but at the same time continued to look out the window. 

I blocked out all the talk in the car and completly foucused on my thoughts. I went over the plan to get all the information i needed. It was a little bit to dangerous even for my taste but i needed to risk it.

 It just needed to work.

We arrived at out destination in a lot shorted timeperiod than i thought. After we all got out, we looked at the building. We were still far away but it looked massive. I found out Mezu, All Might, oh god, how i hated that guy, and Tsukauchi would join us all the time and way.

We needed to get onto a boat. I sat down further at the front and texted one by one the members of the Dekusquad and Hitoshi to come to me. I always made large pauses to not draw any attention so when we all  were assembled we were already nearly there.

I looked around at everybody and noticed while doing that, that all the teachers were standing out of the hearing range. So i took a deep breath and said the words that needed to be said. Well more i whispered it, just to be sure.

"No matter what will happen today, you need to keep your act. You need to stay undercover. You need to stay at UA. No matter what happens, do NOT come after me."



I am sorry for the little cliffhanger but i hope you enjoyed the chapter still.

I also wnated to say thank you for the over 200 reads. I am really, really greatful.

I also needed to say that maybe some of you already got te info but for those, who didn't: I won't be updating that often anymore. School just started for me and i need to get used to everything now at first. So I will probably be updating only 2 or 3 times a week. I hope you understand.

But i still hope to see you soon.

Your A/N

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