Chapter 23

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Izuku POV

Kurogiri had brought us all into our rooms, so nobody would get suspiciouns. He brought us into the bathrooms of our dorms, the only place where no cameras were. Cause if there were some, i would never go on the toilette the ever again. 

But well, anyways. I sat down on my bed and put into the Cv footage fitting stuff, like us standing up and going into the bathroom. The night i let it look, like we were sleeping the hole night. Until we woke up and went into the bathroom. Then i let the footage, that was actually caught, play, and it was okay, so i let it stay.

By the way. We all put down our villain clothes at the hideout. We left it there to get cleaned, because it was really dirty, well more like bloddy. But okay.

Right now, i was just sitting on my bed, scrolling through the news. Not a singel informtaion about us untill now. I wondre how this will go.

Will they finnaly anounce our presenc?

Will they try to cover up the murder of high ranked heros as long as possible?

I don't know, but i wonder...

Today was Thursday, so i got up at 5:45 out of my bed and took a relaxing shower. After that, i got dressed in my unifrom and after may failed attaps, i gave up on brushing my hair and just let it fall like it wanted and finish drying.

Afterwards, i went downstairs. Food was standing on a table already, so i grabbed myself some and set down further away from the main crowd. It was always like this that the Dekusquad wasn't quite that much social and we often stay under ourselfes, but yeah, we talk to our classmates still realy much.

I didn't had to wait for long. Soon after, Shoto joined me. We sat down next to each other and i layed my head on his shoulder. I can't wait for us coming out of here and spending every day with each other. And every night.

It seems as if Shoto had the same thoughts, cause he nuzzled closer to me and layed down his head on mine. It was really relaxing and comfy.

But we couldn't stay like that for long. When the first people joined, we seperated. We haven't told anyone besides our family, the LoV including the traitors, that we are daiting. Dabi actually tryed to threaten me that i shouldn't dare to hurt his little brother but well, he learned to never dare to threaten me.

I didn't even ate half of my plate. Out of weird reasons, i wasn't hungry at all. Maybe it was because of what is going to happen next?

Everytime we go out, since we are in UA, is a really risky thing and it could easily cost us our traitorbeing like with Denki. I still don't really know, who they found out, but probably because of his lacyniss in some points. 

Because Denki isn't stupid, not at all, well yeah sometimes but these times excluded, he is actually smart. He helped at craiting plans often in a really good way and brought in ways to think which are for most of us really unnatural. His stupidiness is all just an sct here at UA.

Like Iida is acting all strict and stuff, while he is probably the most unstrict.

Ochako acts like she simps for me, but has actually Tsu as her girlfriend, to everyone as the LoV again unkown.

Tsu plays the frog that is pretty uch neutral but she is actually a killer frog. After me, she killed the most person in some really voilent ways. Like swinging them  around with her tongue until they die.

Shinso can't really act diffrent, because his parents would notice, but the way he is, is probably the best. An unintrested, tired, catloving boy who likes to backtalk to everyone. And i mean EVERYONE. He talked back to even Nezu once. I saw it on the CV. That he is still alive, wonders me since that day.

And Shoto is also pretty much himself. He is to everyone he doesn't really know THAT good, well more like: If they aren't his family, he is cold, not really talkactive and come over pretty much heartless. But actually to his family, he has a very big heart, is actaully always nice to everyone, as long as they don't make him angry in anyway but he still doesn't really talk much if it's not for defending me, which is really cute.

And i, myself, i needed to act a lot but i am used to it since i am five and went to the quirk doctor. 

The day, everything went down the hill...

 I needed to act al friendly, kind and nice. Bevore i met the LoV, i needed to act to cover up my anger but especially my sadness and depression and helplessness. Now i need to cover up my villain side, which is really dangerous, attacks everyone and wins every single fight. I also need to cover up my anger a lot of the times and my wish to murder especially All Might. And there are alot of more fetures of my villain side, which i need to cover up, so you see, there is a lot.

But right now, i just stood up, brought my plate back into the kitchen and put it down there. Then i grabbed my backpack out of my dorm and went to the classroom.

I arrived there as the first student, nothing really cracy. But not as the first person in total.

Aizawa was laying on the floor in his yellow sleeping bag. I knew, he would wake up, if he noticed my presence, so i earased my presence and went to the seat, without making any noise, where i sat down but kept my erased presence up.

I got a normal schoolbook out and started reading in it. It was pretty boring, because i knew most of it, but i just kept on reading. I did found out like one single new information in i don't know, like 100 pages.

After some time, the other students came. My preseence was still erased and but they were so noisy, that i  decided, it would be unnessecary to keep that up.

You wonder, who came in and was just loud af?

What a wonder.

No one else as the Bakusquad.

They were all yelling at each other, just as they did in old times. I didn't really listened in on what they were yelling at each other for. It was already loud enough, i didn't need to know their stupid reason.

I noticed, that Aizawa woke up, because he moved a little, but the other didn't seem to notice.

Time by time, more people arrived and when we all were in class, Aizawa crawled out of his sleeping bag from behind the desk.

Yep, they all gonna die today.

Aizawa looked, like he just came back from the dead.



I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Thank you for over 500 reads, It means a lot to me.

I hope you have a nice Day/night.

Your A/N

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