Chapter 5

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~The next morning~

Denki POV

I was just infromed that i will be brought to Tatarus over the day. But first everybody who wants to, can talk to me again. I hope Hito comes. I am really starting to miss him.

I am actually wondering when i will get out of there again. It won't be immediatly, that's for sure, but i am still wondering when it will happen. I don't really feel like sitting in a cell completly lonely for more than 2 weeks. 

What should i do with all my energie?!

I wonder how the meeting went. I hope it was good. And i hope that Izuku will come here once more before he leaves. I will miss him. I will miss everybody out of the league. They are my family.

I can only hope.

~The evening before~

Izuku POV

I woke up in Shiggy's room. I remeber what happend before but also, that we still need to come up with a plan.

So i stood up and sprinted into our living room. By now everybody beside Denki was sitting there. I looked as if they were already discussing so i slowly went over to them.

My boyfriend was the first one to notice me. He stood up and went over to me and whispered "Shiggy told me what happend. Why didn't you talk to me?" "Later" was the only thing i whispered back.

With that we both sat down. Shoto at his old place and i sat down in his lap. I looked around at everybody. I knew they were expecting me to have a plan. And i did have one. But it was dangerous and very difficult and i can't promise that everybody will get out of there again. Alive.

So i took a deep breath and stood up. I walked around the room while talking. "I have a plan on getting Denki and our master out of Tatarus." I said. Everybody looked at me so i continued. "But the plan is really risky and we will probably have to uncover all the UA traitors. I can't promise you that we will get there out again all together."

I looked around and everybody seemed to agree with me. They knew that they were risking their life every day by being a villain. But everybody knew that this will be more difficult. But they still seemed to still be willing to do this.

So i started to explain the plan. It took some time but after explaining and a lot of more explaining and looking for holes amd discussing how to fix them, we had a pretty much solid plan and only some details were missing, which we still needed to grab becuase it was mostly lack of certain informations.

In the end we were all very worn out and we, the traitors, needed to go so nobody will be suspicious. Kurogiri made a portal for us but short before we left through it, i stopped them. I was walking a little bit upfront and everybody looked at me. The entire time planning, I could see their still doubtful looks or how the looked at each other, not wanting to lose them. I took a deep breath and started talking.

"I know how much there is at stake but we need to do this. We need to get them out of there. They don't deserve to be there. I am willing to risk my life for this. I know nobody wants to lose a family member, no matter if it's blood or just our big family, but Denki and All for one are family too. So i will do this. For my family."

I made a fist with my right hand, stretched my arm out and let my hand be a little bit further under my shoulder.

After that it was silent, then Shiggy stood up and went over to me. With the words "For my family" he did the same as i did and our hands touched each other. Then Shoto joined and Dabi and the rest of the traitors and everybody else of the league. Everybody did the same as i and Shiggy did.

We all stood there in a big circle, our hands touching in the middle. "We can do this. We will protect them. Because no matter what, you can count on family. And we have to assure ourselfs that again and again. We won't leave anyone behind, no matter what. And even if we will die protecting them. That doesn't matter. Everybody here is as important as the other. No one will be left back or alone or who knows what. We will stick together."

Everybody nooded and then we traitors left and needed to run to UA. It was now short before 10 p.m. At 10 is curfew. Thank god we have Mamagiri.

We reached UA and out dormbuilding short before curfew and the moment we were inside, we all sunck into the couches. It had been a stressful day. The rest of the call were already in their dorms. We got ourselfs some leftover food from the classes diner and our ways sepreted in the hall.

Shoto wanted to join me at first because i promised to explain but i am to tired for that right now and i need to think. With that he was fine and went to his own room.

The moment i reached my dorm i opend it and locked it behind me. We got everything relevant for the plan out of my backpack which i always carry around. It was a notebook for my villain stuff, a map of the Tatarus which i got from a guardian, when i was visiting All for one the first time, i was there like 3 times by now. Nobody ever questioned it. And what i needed aswell was my hero notebook/-s. I know which hero when is where stationed or has patrol. Not just in Tatarus and around, but also over the hole city, even if some of them don't work in Mustafa, i know where they are. I know everything about them.

With all this stuff, i went threw the plan, searched for holes, we didn't found before, went into more details, looked for what we could use to our advatage, if the rigt person is at the right place, what should be discussed again.

After a long time, i got a really long list with things which should be changed or discussed.

As i looked at the clock i reamlised that it was 5:59 a.m.

 Just as it hit me, that i haven't slept a minute this night and only about half over the day, my alarm went off.



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