Chapter 13

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Izuku POV

I stepped out of the bathroom and was met with a very concerned looking Aizawa. "Are you really okay? You don't look so good." He said. I fakesmiled and just said with my happy and cheerish voice "I'm good. I will just rest, when i am back in the dorms. It's going to be fine. But now let's meet up with the others again." He nodded and we made our way through the building.

I impranted every single detale of the way in my head and we then arrived at Denki's cell. I could trigger the bomb now, yes, but i also wanted to see Denki again and that would be inpossible that way. And we were far away from the place i needed to go to and stuff like that. So it wasn't really a good option, well more like no option.

So we went inside together. 

Inside, everyone was sitting on stools besides Hitoshi. He was standing at the glass wall and one hand was laying on the glass. He and Denki had a very deep eye contact. I looked around at the others. They all were talking with some other people but students only with students and adults with adults. I wonder what theyare talking about... But well, everyone did besides one person.

Besides Shoto.

When he saw me, he immediatly went over to me and layed an arm protectily around my hips. He pulled me away from Aizawa and i just gave Aizawa a last reasuring smile that i am good and then let myself be pulled away. Aizawa watched us with one raised eyebrow but then just shook it off and went to Nezu, All Might and Tsukauchi.

"I am glad you are alright." Shoto whispered into my ear. "The worst is yet to come." I said and then got myself out of Shoto's arm, smiled sadly and with a sorry look at him and went over to Hitoshi. I knew that Shoto wasn't really aprroving what i was doing and my plan for today in generell even though he didn't even knew what i was doing. But he was scared because i would gat into danger.

That's why i never wanted to fall in love. Because it makes you weak and it's a vulnerable place.

But then Shoto came into my life and everything changed...

 Hitoshi was quitly talking with Denki and didn't realised, that i was walking to him. I layed carefully a hand on his back. I knew that he liked talking with Denki and being with him again but it still wasn't easy for him, so i wanted to comfort him a little. 

I felt that Hitoshi tensed up under my hand but i just silently said "It's just me" and he calmed down again. "We will move on with the plan, when you are ready, okay?" I said and he nodded. Before leaving i said "Take your time." and then left him and Denki alone again and i went over to the Dekusquad and talked with them.

They told me that they all already talked with Denki and that i would also be able to for some time. They just talked with him over some basic stuff like how life was and stuff, you know? They didn't critizied him for being a villain, not even for the act because we all knew, how much it hurted. 

In our eyes, we were the heros.

Anyways i waited for some time but then Hitoshi finished talking and it was my time to go. I went over to Denki and sat down by the glass. We only talked over eye contact. I told him that we had a plan and would get him out. He knew that of course but he was still happy about it. I could feel how hard this life was for him. 

And i can understand him.

Being completly powerless is a really bad and unbelieveble unberable feeling which can drive you cracy. I once was that aswell. And it was the worst time of my life.

Until i found my family. 

The LoV.

They saved me. Without them i wouldn't be standing here today. But they didn't just save my life but they also gave me a home and a family which i am unbelievable greatful for. 

But anyways. After i talked with Denki, well, not really talked but yeah, after that, we assembled and decided to go back. We went outside and i pulled my phone out without anyone noticing. 

We were in the hallway and in the middle of our way to the entrance and nearly there, to be honest, when i triggered the bomb.

It went off better than expected. 

And the following chaos was perfect.

People were running around, some villains were freed and everyone was in panic. Besides me. I was the calm itself.

I used the confusen and stuff and disappeared. I hid my presence and ran to the surveillance room, where i easily killed the guards and went inside. 

There in, i killed everyone inside the room beside me and then went to the next best computer. I deleted all the footage of me and also put a video of me being in the group inside aswell. Till the expolsion. 

Because at the same time as the bomb exploded, i shut down the cameras and deleted all the footage of the time between the eruption and now.

At the same time i got all the information i could get and everything else on a stick i brought. It was well hidden and wasn't detected. 

They whould really work on their security.

But well, anyways. Just as i finished doing that, i deleted every sign of hacking so that it just seemed that the cameras shutted themselfes down or were damaged because of the bomb. I hid the stick in his old place and then also cleaned everything up. I was wearing gloves of course but just to be sure.

Then i ran back to the group.

There was still a gaitn chaos. Everywhere were people and some damaged bricks or steel or something else. We weren't far away from the toilet so the damage could still be seen.

When i got into their viewfield, Shoto called out for me to come to them. And that's what i did. It was obvious they noticed that i was missing, so that's why Shoto did that.

I ran over to them. Aizawa looked at me with a look in which i could see big anger but also worry and anxiety. 

"Where the hell were you?" He asked straight out. "I was swept away by some people and couldn't find my way back. And i somehow ended here. And i am lucky. Otherwise i could still be wondering around the hallways without any idea of how to find my way back. I am sorry,"

Aizawa sighed and said "it's wasn't your fault and i am just lucky to have you back in one piece." I smiled a little before going back to the others. I made eye contact with Shoto and i saw the question in his eyes: Did you get it? I nodded and he looked more reliefed.

After about half an hour the chaos started to calm down again. Sad, to be honest. I liked the chaos. But well, that i can't change right now. Every villain was back in a cell, some where to damaged, so they needed to go with a diffrent cell. We could finally check out and they found out that the expolsion came from the men's toilet. 

And we started our journey back home.

With all the information needed for the plan.



Thanks for reading and i am really sorry for not posting but i will try to post another chapter this weekend.

But i hope you liked it and if you have ideas: I am open for everything.

Then: 'Til the next chapter, i hope.

Your A/N

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