Chapter 17

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Izuku POV

The first few steps were still a little bit unsteady and Aizawa was directly by my side to help me and keep me from falling, but it quickly got easier. So we walked together threw the hallways of UA.

 It was all completly empty and silent.

 But it wasn't and uncomfortable silent or anything, more like a silent, that didn't need to be broken because it was okay. The silence belonged her right now. It may sound wired but nobody felt the need of saying anything and nobody did so.

The way to my dorm went by rather quickly. I got quickly used to the cruches and the way wasn't that long. Aizawa made also sure only to walk as fast as i could come after with the crouches.

When we were infront of my room, Aizawa gave me my bag, which he took with him, when we left the infermary, and i got out my keys. I unlocked the door and went inside. Aizawa followed me. I gave him a questioning look but he didn't even reacted to it. 


Aizawa put the bag down next to my desk and then silently helped me on the bed. I watched his moves. Why did i had this feeling like something was off?

When i was on the bed, Aizawa finally broke the silence. It was getting kinda weird and uncomfortable.


"Why what?"

"Why did you lie about the reason of your cut at first? And I know you are kindhearted and stuff, but nobody, who hasn't a lot of experiece can stitch up a wound like that so easily. So how did the cut became so well taken care off?"

"How said, i had no experience in it?"

Oh fuck. I did not really say that, did i? Man, I'm screwed. What should i tell him? Probably the truth. Well, of course not all but some things i guess.

"What do you mean by that?" 

There was the question from him. Guess it's time to tell him a little bit more about me then just that, what everybody knows. Or more like think they know about me. 99% of that, what they think my past was like, is pure bullshit. 

"When i was younger, i didn't have the best life someone could imagen. Well, untill i was 4 or 5 everything was fine. But with the detection of my quirk, everything went down the hill."

I told my story. Only shadowy but enough for him to not ask any questions anymore. At least that's what i thought.

"Quirk discremination?" "Quirk discremination."

"But why? You have such an amazing quirk."

I knew that that question would come. I took my eyes of Aizawa, where they were before and complelty laid down and looked at the ceiling. Why is he so persistened? But it doesn't matter. I will have to answere or he will never leave.

"But it wasn't always like that. When i was at the quirk doctor, i was told, that i am quirkless. I got my quirk about a day before the entrance exam at UA. That was also the reason, why i couldn't control it and got hurt that badly."

Aizawa was silent. I never told anyone beside my family so much about my past life. It was kinda weird but i had this feeling as if i could trust him.

If i could just...

"So what happend to your family?"

I sighed. I didn't need to tell  him everything, but something i will need to tell him or he won't stop asking questions. But it still hurt to think about my past 'family'. They hurt me. Deeply and badly. Mentally and physically.

"My hole family was distroyed. My father left me and my mother. I knew, that my mother wouldn't want to keep me but she did because she felt like she at least couldn't leave me on the streets. At least that what i think, she thought. She never told me because from that they on she just ignored me. But i got used to it. So i basically grew up with a roof over my head but without family. But that's fine with me."

It wasn't the truth, not at all, it was way worse then  just being ignored. I wish, she would have ignored me. But Aizawa shouldn't know something like that. Or more like didn't need to know.

I heared movements right next to me. Then i felt someone laying next to me. I looked at the person and could see Aizawa. He had an arm layed around me. 


"What is that for now?" I asked straight out.

"Nobody should grow up without a family. And nobody should just accept that they grew up like that. So neither should you. It isn't okay. And now sleep!"

I needed to smile at his answere and then just nuzzled closer to him and accpet the fact that his breath and heart beat was very calming. And that his warmth also had me feel safe. I closed my eyes and dozzed off to sleep before i even realised it.

I really wish i could...


I woke up in the middle of the night. I was alone again. Of course i would be. But I wasn't complaining, you know? It was sometimes good to have some time for yourself. And right now, that was a moment.

I just told Aizawa pretty much my life story. Yeah, i left out some details like this really difficult and weird story with my father or more like fathers, but okay. I also left out my, well, real homelife and the fact that my mother, let's put it in nice words, was brutally murdered by hanging her up in the kitchen, letting herself slowly choke and let it look like an accident.

Was definetly not me, who hung her up there.

No, really.

Okay, i may or may not have helped. But Shiggy and Dabi did aswell. Toga stole some of her blood before, just for emergencys.

So it wasn't me alone.

Since that day i spent all my time with the LoV. And my brother and my real Dad. Well, before he was...

Damn, that really still hurted. And Kacchan thought i was crying about All might, when in truth i cried because of me knowing, i wouldn't be able to see my dad anymore everyday.

But i had something to do right now. I have no time to think about the past. I needed to look into the future and plan it. It will also help him. I will get him out of that stupid prison.

So i stood up with my crouches and limped to one of my secret hiding places. The camera couldn't catch me, because the lights were off and they had no nightvision. I checked it, when we arrived.

I sat down on the bed again, after getting my newest notebook with most of the plan and a pencil. I took my phone and activated the flashlight on it. The bed was the one thing in my room completly of limits of the cameras.

So I opened the book and started to make sure that everything in the plan was a good as planned out as possible. I made some fixing here and some fixing ther. I made sure to take everything i could into consideration.

Then i heared the door open.



I hope you liked the story

See you soon i hope

Your A/N

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