Chapter 8

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Shinso POV

I woke up and felt something warm holding me. At first i thought it was Denki but then i remebered that he was captured and was wondering, who is beside me. I quickly realised it was dead. I turned around facing him and saw him already awake. I gave him a weak smile and he returned it.

"Do you feel better?" He asked. He was speaking very quiet to not scare me. He knew that i could react very bad to loud noises in the morning. It was a result from the abusive household i lived in. 

I nodded as an answere and just buried my face into dad's chest just to stay in the warmth, he gave to me. I breathed in his scent with deep breaths while i listened to his steady heartbeat. I was surprisingly calm for a morning. I am normally very on edge in the morning and could be very easily scared or unconfortable. 

After some time staying like that, dad spoke up. "We need to get up. You still need to get ready and we have classes." I took a final breath and enjoyed the moment for the last few seconds, before moving a little away from dad and nodding my head. 

Dad stood up and left the room after ruffeling my hair. I sighed and stood up. I got the uniform, which was hanging here in my closet, outside and changed in it. After that i brushed my teeth and misreably failed while trying to brush my hair. So i just left it like that i went downstairs.

There i was met in the kitchen, where we also usually eat, with dad drinking coffee, papa eating at the table and Eri, who was eating aswell. When she saw me, she happily jumped up and yelled "Niichan" while hopping of the stole, she was sitting on, and running towars me. I picked her up smiling and she hugged me. 

"I missed you, Niichan." She said. I needed to smile more on the situation. She had her face buried into my nack, while saying that and hugged me like i was her lifeline. I answered " I missed you too." While carrying her to the table.

 I sat her down on her stool again and than went to my seat. I let myself fall inside and then took a deep breath before really starting in the day. 

And that with two cups with coffee.

I didn't ate anything. I would eat a little later with my class. Dad gave me a questioning look but i just motioned him not to say anything. He nodded and left it like that.

After i finished my second cup of coffee i said my goddbyes and jogged back to the dorms. I went to the kitchen. I was still standing outside, when i realsied it. It was rather quiet. Maybe not everybody is downstairs. But Denki is always...

It hurt. It fucking hurt. It hurt to think about it. That Denki won't sint there and look at me with his happy face. That i won't be able to cuddle him, to kiss him, to feel him. I won't him back. I won't my beautiful, sexy and lovable Pikachu back.

So i took a final breath and went into the kitchen. There i saw everybody of the class sitting around the table. No. Not everybody. Denki...

I felt as if i could start crying again. I took a deep breath and got myself another coffee and a bun and some other food. Afterwards i sat down rather alone in a corner but the Dekusquad was nearby. I kinda was in the squad aswell, but not really much. Mostly because of villain work and stuff.

I only was sitting there and shut out my hole world around me. I only realised on the side that Nezu, dad and All Might were here until they said that we will not be able to see denki after he was moved to Tatarus for a week.

No, no, no, no, no.

That can't be true. I can't life without him for so long. I need to see him. Now.

They said, we could, so that was the moment i stood up and left the room. the moment i was outside the dorms, i pratically started sprinting towards the main building over which you could get to the cells.

I sprinted over the school grounds, slided down some hallways and bumped into multiple walls and other stuff, but i didn't care. I ran over some people, who just happend to be at the place at the same time, but i didn't care in that moment. Only when i arrived at the cellblock, i started to slow down.

Infront of the door were two policeman. I told them what i wanted, so to meet Denki and that i was allowed to. They searched me through and then let me pass. I was accompenied by anothre policeman, who brought me through multiple gray halls. On the sides were it felt like thousands of dark gray doors. How many criminals are held here and nobody knows of it?

I need to report it to Izuku later. But for now i need to concentrate on getting to Denki. 

After some more walking we finally seemed to reach something. It looked like a very secured door. There was a pinfield, two policeman, a prohero i didn't recognice and a biometrical scan. I was searched once again. Why, to be honest. What the hell should i get on a way through plain gray hallways while beeing accompenied by a policeman?

But i let it got. I didn't need to get into more trouble then i would possibly get, if i won't be let to Denki. Because then i will need to step shit up a little.

But for now i was being led threw another hallway, not a single bit diffrent from the first. Only that the doors to the criminaly are a lot more secured. They not only have pins or lockers, but pins and biometry scan's and other stuff.

After some more walking, the policeman stopped infront of one of the doors. There were two policeman standing infront of it already. He told them what i wanted but they just simply said, that they could not let me through. 

So we need to step it up.

"Ahm, can i ask a question?" I said. The policemans all said "sure" or "Of cours" Or something like that.

That's were i got them under my control an i ordered them to open the door. And they did. Afterwards, i knocked them out. They should be in that state for some time.

 I went inside but made sure to put one of the policeman helms between the door and door way so it wouldn't close. When i turned around i saw him.

My Denki.



So i hope you liked the chapter.

I wanted to thank you all. Becuase of all of you, we hit 100 reads and i am really, really happy about that. Thank you so much for that.

I hope to see you in the next chapter again.

Your A/N

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