Chapter 16

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Izuku POV

I needed an excuse. Quickly.

I was thinking about something for a longer time but i needed to thread it right.

So let's jump back into the innocent Izuku Midoriya act.

I looked at both of them with an apologising look. "I was injured during training. I am sorry." I said. "I should have come here right now, i know."

"Problem child, don't lie to me." I turned aroud to Aizawa, who just talked. "I am not-" But i didn't get to finish that sentence. "I can see, when a injury comes from training. And that one definitly doesn't because no one at UA is fighting with knifes or something like that."

Oh, if you knew...

I looked down, looking caught but that was all just an act. And i hoped to get that answer. But just let me pass with my next excuse.

"So what did really happened?"

I sight in defeat and said "I was in the kitchen at night because i was hungry. So i got myself an apple and a knife, because i wanted to cut it. Then a noise scared me, i let the knife drop and it cut my leg. I wrapped it up with a towel and then went to check out the noise. It was just a cat, who was trapped in some garbage, so i got her out and then cleaned and stitched up my wound. I know, not really special story."

I think i heared Aizawa mumble "I hope the cat is okay" but i am not quite sure. Recovery Girl was staring at me, which actually made me feel uncomfortable. "I still wonder, how you can cut your leg that deep like that, but okay. But main question is: Why didn't you come here after rescuing the cat?"

I kept my act up and said "It was in the middle of the night, around 2 a.m. and i didn't wanted to disturb you because i am here so often anyways." She nodded but didn't look pleased at my actions. Then Aizawa started talking again.

"Which makes me wondering, why you were awake at such a late hour? From Recovery Girl here i found out that you hadn't been sleeping enough. So mind telling me or more like us, what had been keeping you awake for so long?"

Oh shit. I was prepared for so many diffrent questions but not really for this one. Yeah, at some point i was prepared, but not fully. So let's hope this works.

"I was busy with school work a lot lately and then there is regular training and then with All Might and then i wanna hang out with my friends and family, because thy are really important to me. So that's how school work started to always needed to be done later and later. And well, i guess i didn't get enough sleep because of that."

Both sat or stood there in silence. Please believe it. Please, please, please believe it.

"I understand. Maybe it really is a little bit to much for some of you. Especially you, problem child. I will go talk with some people. I will be back in a little." Aizawa said and then left.

Thank god. In me a big weight fell of me. But i couldn't let it show. Because Recovery Girl was still in the room. I looked at her. She was grabbing something out of a box. I identified it as bandages and a compress. She came back over to me with both.

"I will have to bandage you leg up again and then you will go to sleep again, okay? When you wake up, i can look if you have enough energy to get healed." She said. "Can't i sleep in my bed?" I asked. She looked at me with an angry look. "Why? Isn't this comfortable enough for you?" 

Okay, who made her angry? Was i it? Well, i don't really care. But i am still kinda scared of an angry Recovery Girl. So i quickly answered her.

"No, not at all. It is just that i think i can rest better and get better new energy in my own room, you know? Like being in a trusted envoirment helps to rest especially the nerves." She sighed and said "Yeah, i can understand you. And i am sorry for leaving my anger out on you. I am not angry at you. Well not really. More at your mentor."

"It's fine." I said but inside i was pratically throwing a party. She is angry at All Might, so somebody is going to get his ass beat by that old lady today. We shoudl respect her more. She can take down the number one hero with ease.

"But can i go back to my room now?"

She sighed before saying " You can but under some conditions. I will come by every two to three hours to check up on your leg. And to look, if you are really sleeping. I don't wanna see you out of bed."

I nodded smiling and thanked her.

You may be wondering why i wanted to go back into my own dorm. I actually had mutiple reasons.

First: My dorm had a door, i could look. Only Aizawa had a key to it and he wouldn't give it to anyone without a solid reason so nobody could actually get in there without my permission.

Second: I could continue on working on my plan. I had some intresting ideas that i wanted to put into it or at least put it into consideration aswell.

Third: I could be more closer to my friends and family. I mean, i could call them with ease. And i would be closer to Shoto.

And fourth: I could hack into UA and mess a little with Nezu. I was far more intelligent then he was but never really showed it and hacked from time to time into the UA system. It always was real fun. I mean one time i put the dorms of class 1-B on lockdown without anyone noticing. SO everyone of them were there inside trapped and couldn't get out. And nobody could get in. It took Nezu three full days to stop them system. And all that time, class 1-B was captured in their own dorms. And with a lot of them panicing or something. It was real fun to watch.

Yeah, and i wanted to repeat somethin like that. But i had a  a little special idea. I wanted to hurt one of UA's teachers deeply. Let's see how this turnes out.

While Recovery Girl took care of my leg, i was thinking on how to put my plan into action the best way. I had a lot of ideas, to be honest, but i wasn't really sure at that point on how to do that.

Well, i will find out, while doing that.

Just in the moment Recovery Girl gave me my crouches and help me stand up, Aizawa came into the room and he looked at us with a questioning look. In his eyes also stood concern. 

You really ain't making things easy for anyone, Aizawa.

Recovery Girl explained everything to him and he valunteered to accompany me on my way back to the dorms. She thanked him gratefully, becase she 'had to deal with someone'. Oh, i hope, she is going to beat All Might's ass.

Go Recovery Girl!!



I hope you liked the chapter.

See you soon and have a nice day/night.

Your A/N

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