Chapter 12

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Izuku POV

They all just stared at me in shock. Nobody said something but their looks where like  "Are you cracy or something?". And yeah, maybe i was but i needed to risk it.

Shoto was the first on to break the silence.

"No matter what, i won't leave you behind." he whisperhouted. The otheres nodded agreeing. Hell, this is going to be more troublesome than i thought. Why can't they just understand it? That i needed to do it and that i was doing it in first place for them? I sighed befor starting to talk.

"But you need to. I need to get the missing information. We could do it without it but i would be way to risky. I want to have it before we attack them to make sure everyone is as prepared as possible. And if i fail to get them and maybe not even come back, you need to continue on what we are doing. You need to finish it. You need to get them out. We need every sigle one of you. And that's why i can't have you running after me."

They all looked kinda defeated besides Shoto. I knew he would be the most difficult to stop from them all. The others knew when they couldn't change my mind and when i was right. but Shoto liked to ignore it. "But we also need you." Shoto said. I looked down, while taking a deep breath and then looked up again and looking deep into Shotos eyes.

"You know where i depot some of my notebooks. There are also notebooks on how to achieve what we started. Without me. So, no, you won't be needing me."

"But when we will lose you without getting the information and we can still do it, then you don't have to risk it." Shoto said. "Yes, i have to." i said with determination. "Because it's only a very unsure plan with a lot of dark spots. It's only used if nothing else is possible and if i didn't tried everything to get all the information needed?"

I saw the sadness in his eyes. I gave him a week smile and he came over to me. He hugged me despretily and the other soon joined.

I smiled at the act of a family we just had. 

Then i looked around and noticed we were short before arriving at Tartarus.

So: Let's get to work.

We anchored at the landing stage on the side turned away from the mainland so you couldn't see it. Quite intresting. They really took care of a lot.

We were searched over and over again on our way inside. I was like: Why do you have to search me through like 5 times the same way? Do you think your patners are blind or something?

I just shock my head mentally. Then we finally arrived the the halls. They were completly steel-plated. Not like it was a big problem or something but it was a little bit impressiv to see how secured it all was. But okay. This won't be a problem at all. Now matter how much security you get, i will get what i want. And that is my family back.

We were short before meeting Denki. To be percisley: We stood infront of his cell. Every cell here had something like a visitor room with glass inside to the prisinor. So that's how i knew exactly, where he was. 

One part of the information found. 

2 more to go.

And now i needed to start my actual plan. Let's hope this works and turnes out okay. I turned to Aizawa, how was just staring in space and started talking.

"Ahm, Aizawa-sensei?" "Yes, problem child." I looked down in a embarrassed manor. I wasn't at all but sometimes, you need to pack out your acting skill.

 "Well, ahm, i need to go on the toilet. I am not feeling quite well. Maybe because of the ship. I don't know. But would there be a possibility for me to go and use the restrooms?" I asked. He looked at me and sighed. 

He then shortly and quitly talked with Nezu and a guard but i heared it all. They were discussing if i could go and they said it's fine as long as he would join me. They would already go inside, which wasn't a problem for me at all. Of course i missed Denki but this is more inportant.

With that Aizawa and I made our way to the next toilet. It was at the entrance. SO i got another oppertunity to print in the way in my brain. When we arrived at the restrooms, Aizawa told me to hurry and i rushed inside and in a stall and of course locked it behind me.

In the stalls were a sink a toilet and i lamp at the top. That was all.

Well, that part worked better then i could have ever hoped it to.

Inside the stall i looked around and scanned everything. There were no cameras inside. Thank god. That could have made things a little bit more difficult. I looked around and then decided to use the next best option. 

The toilet.

I got everything i needed. Out of the lamps i got a wire. I ripped out of the system. Maybe something just stopped working but to be honest: I don't give a shit.

 I managed to let the lights stay on while doing it.

 I got all the rest what i needed to built my bomb and now the last thing missing was the explosive. And getting these would be difficult. Because they are at the only place they couldn't find it.

Inside of me.

I planned it some time ago and knew that this was the only possibility. I had cut open my lower leg and put it there inside and stitched it up again. I just used the excuse that it was an accident at training.

But now i needed to get it out.

I had hid a needle and a thread and to cut it open i will use a card. It has got one end sharp enough to cut off without any problems a hole leg. I tried it on one of my victims. But until now nobody found out.

So i got it out and cut my leg open. I didn't even felt the pain because it happend so often by now. That i cut. And in general: I was pretty much immun against pain. It sometimes was a pain in the ass, for sure, but most of the time really helpful.

But anyways. I got the little bit of expolsives out and cleaned it after putting it into the rest of the bomb. I then stitched my leg up again and his it after cleaning it. I also cleaned my hands. And now to the place where the bomb will go.

I connected my phone with the bomb. It has a remote igniter and so i will be able to trigger it later. When the time was ready.

For now i only plugged it in and then put everything in a watersave bag. I took of my jacket and rolled up the sleeves of my t-shirt before diving my arm with the bag into the toilet. Was it disgusting? Hell yeah. But it was the place it would create the most possible damage and it would be the less most noticeable so it needed to be done. 

After it was at the right place in the pipe i cleaned everything up and looked at the clock on my phone. 

I only needed 5 minutes.

That's a new record.



I hope you liked the chapter.

I hope to see you soon again.

Your A/N

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