Chapter 7

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Shinso POV

Morning 3 a.m.

I got no sleep tonight until now. All these thoughts. I can't stop them. They are overwhelming me.

What if....

Thousands of questions startign with it were in my head. 

What if they don't bring him to the Tatarus?

What if he will get killed?

What if i die?

What if the mission goes wrong?

What if we can't free him?

What if...

What if...

I couldn't stop them. They were overwhelming me. I wanted to break down. But i knew i couldn't. Not here. Not... Not like this.

But i knew a place, where i could go. 

I took a deep breath and put on a hoodie and some sweat pants. Then i went out of my dorm and tip-toed my way outside. There i just ran to the dorm of my dad and papa. I still couldn't breath. I need to get there fast.

When i arrived, i saw that there was light on in the living room, so i quickly knocked and i heared slow moves in the house. So it's dad.

When he opend the door, i couldn't hold myself on my foots anymore so i just collapsed onto Dad and he catched me. Silent tears were running down my cheeks. My Dad was hugging me and stroking my back.

He picked me up and carried me inside. He closed the door and then carried me to the couch. He sat me down on the couch and sat down next to my head. I crawled over to him and buried my face into his chest. He hugged me and told me calming words. He stroked my back and hair. He nuzzled closer into his chest and just continued crying. 

After some time i started to fall asleep. But not for long. Nightmares were plague me. 

I woke up just a half hour later from someone shaking me. I opend my eyes and saw my dad looking down at me with a worried expression. I avoided his eyes and looked away. I wasn't just afraid of loosing Denki, i also was afraid of loosing them. Dad and papa.

They were always there for me and it wasn't their fault. But i knew the consequenzes of stop joining the LoV. 

It happend once.


A girl, who joined the LoV a long time ago, decided to stop. We needed to eliminat them. Well more like Izu did that. I just stood by and watched. I had just been joining the LoV and didn't really know, what was going on. I was just told to follow Izuku. He then did everything.

He braught that girl, she was 16 years old i guess, to an ally and intoregated her basically. She needed to tell her, why she wanted to leave the LoV. And she did. Her reason was her boyfriend. He really loved her and she didn't wanted to break their lifes by telling him, that she is a villain, because they both were training to get into UA.

TW Detailed Killing

Then he brutally killed her. He just mad a huge cut over his chest and ripped her heart out. "Love is something, which will make you just weak. So how about i take your heart away from you than?" he said and with that he carved up the heart and layed it beside her.

TW End

After that he left. I followed him until we stod infront of an apartment building. "What are you doing here?" I asked. Izu turned around and had black eyes instead of his usual green and locked me dead serious in the eyes. 

"Whipe out the problem."

With that he went inside the building. No minute later i heared screaming and more and more screaming. It went on for some time. Then it was dead silent.

Izu came back out of the building, blood was all over his clothes He just walked passed me and back to the base. I just stood there in shock for a minute. Izu just killed everyone in that building and then just from now to then the hole building lit up into fire.

"Are you coming?" Izu yelled. I turned around and ran after him.

Flashback End

That was my dream. Well more i dreamed about that memorie. And the moment i realised that i got to attached to Dad and papa, i made my promise to not let it shin trough. Ever.

But i knew, that Izu already knew how much they ment to me. And if i would stop and cancel being with the LoV, not just i would die and them aswell.

Dad looked down at me, his face still worried. I hugged him tightly and buried my face deep into his chest. 

"What is wrong, Hito." Dad called  with his deep voice but it was calming."I don't wanna lose you." I whispered into his chest but i knew, he heared me. He was stroking my back again and said "You ain't gonna get rid of me or Hizashi. i promise you that." 

I breathed in his sent and i just enjoyed the moment. The warmth coming from his body and everything else. We stayed in that position for some time. I couldn't sleep anymore but i didn't care. 

I slowly loosedn my grip on dad and he did aswell. I looked at him with a thankful look and he smiled down at me. "Now let's get you to bed. I'm tired." He said.

I laughed and stood up from the couch. He did aswell but he never completly stopped the contact. He alawys had a arm around my shoulders or my hand was in his. He joined me on my way to my room.

Dad and papa had their own building here on campus but also with rooms for me and Eri, who was staying here all the time, when they were. But i just stayed here somday when i didn't feel well or something like that.

So just as we arrived in my room i hugged him one last time but he just picked me up again and carried me to my bed. I let it happen. It felt really good. So when he layed me down, i just wanted him to stay. So i grabbed the arm, in which he held me and looked at him pleading. 

He sighed but then crawled next to me on the bed. I snuggled closer to him and he put his arms around me and hold me protectivly.

I must have fallen asleep again.



I hope you liked the chapter.

I hope to see you again soon.

Your A/N

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