Chapter 22

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Izuku POV

We went through a portal Kurogiri created for us. I was these last days checking on where some heros were patroling right now and i found a nice corner. It was a pretty much known hero, i think his name was Kamui Woods, the only thing important for me is his quirk and that was Arbor, he was able to creat and control wood from any part of his body. 

If we do it right, we can leave some big holes in the hero comission tonight.

I told the others my plan. We were currently on a rooftop and we would move in diffrent directions. The first thing we needed to do, was building the perfect trap, no a single hero can resist.

Some living lure. Or well, for some time living and a lot screaming.

I stayed up on the roofs and were searching for a fitting group of people, the other ones were moving in teams of two. Tsu and Ochako together and Iida and Shoto.

Only 5 minutes later Shoto gave over our comelink, which we all had in our ear, the informtaion through, that they found a group of four people. He told us their location and we made our way over to him.

I jumped from roof to roof and at the end let myself slid down the fireescalator. Of cours, i could have used my quirk, but i didn't really feel like it. I will enough this evening probably.

I was at Shoto's and Iida's porition short before Tsu and Ochako. When we all arrived, we followed the group for some time before we were at a perfect spot. 

The hero should come by here soon, when he is going by the normal route or the victims just have to scream louder. 

I let the others do the first part. I will mainly concentrate on Kamui Woods. 

Shoto made a sword out of ice again, Tsu got out here twindaggers, Ochako her rope and Iida his guns. They went over to the victims. 

Shoto circled them in fire and pushed them by moving it further into a dead end. I was watching form up on the roof again. i like my positions up there really much. I can have everything under my watch.

Then they started to do their things.

TW Torture

Tsu got her daggers and started cutting her victim, a around 20 - 25 year old woman the legs open. Then she broke them, until the bones stick out. I looked really painful and after the screaming of the woman, it was that.

Ochako was the a little diffrent person. She made her vicitm, also a 20 - 25 year old woman, float and tied ropes around her legs and arms, so she couldn't move anymore. Then she let the person float up more and more, until they were on the hight of the roofs. There she shout down her quirk. The person fell screaming but  little before she hit the ground, Ochako catched her with her quirk again.

Iida just shot his victim a i would say around 25 year old man, in the legs. Well first in the foots, then legs and then he slowly moved upwards.

And Shoto. Well Shoto had his very own style. He sometimes burned his victim, a man between 23 and 25 years old i guess, then he force him or cut him open with his sword, whatever he desired in that moment.

TW End

I saw in the distanc Kamiu Woods. He was running down the streets in our direction. 

He fell directly into the trap.

I informed the other over the comelink.

Tw Killing

 Right in the moment when Kamui Woods looked into the alley, Iida shot his victim in the head, Shoto rammed the sword threw his victims heart, Ochako let the woman crash on the ground and Tsu rammed her daggers, one side each, in the brain of her victim.

TW End

Kamui Woods stood there, completly taken back for a moment. But then he recovered and went into the ally, ready to attack. but before he did that, he called for back-up.

When he was like two or three steps into the alley, I jumped down from the roof. I used one of my quirks, Shadow, and by that managed to cushion my jump, so i wouldn't splatter all over the ground. With that quirk activated, i made myself a Katana out of shadow. Kamui Woods was so focused on what they did infront of him, that he completly forgot his back.

TW Killing

I took the katana and took a swing. Then i let it cut right through his body. I made a clean cut right through the middle of his body. He was laying on the ground in two pices.

TW End

I stepped over his body and took some of his blood but also of the other victims. With that i drawed our sign on the wall. 

A mask with flames around it. Left up a gun, left down twindaggers, right up a sword and right down a rope. Around that i drawed a circle with the symbol of a tree down and up on top a shadow.

Then he all nodded at each other. We all heared the sirens in the distance. I teleported us on top of a roof kinda near by but still in a distance.

We watched how the first policeman showed up. We watched their shocked but mainly confused reactions on the sight, especially the sign.

That the Interfection excisted was kept very secret. It seemed as the only one knowing the sign was Tsukauchi. He called someone and made sure that nobody touches anything before a black car drove by. 

Out of the car came Nezu and Aizawa. Well, damn, we managed to get someone attention. 

If we go as planned, then our training tomorrow will be bad. Well more bad for the others. We were used to it. I put every one in the leauge through a hell of training.

They both were shocked from what they saw.

We all made eyecontact. 

It was our time to leave.

So that's what we did. We ran over the roofs and were kinda flying over the city to our next destination.

And like that, our night went on. We killed around 50 people, 10 of them were heros. Everytime, Nezu and Aizawa came to the foundplaces and it was all the time a similar game.

The sun was already starting to rise, when we came back to the hideout and Kurogiri brought us back to UA.

It was 5 a.m.

And that just were one of the best nights of my life.



I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Does anyone of you has any idea, what Izuku's quirk is? 

You can comment you thoguht.

Hope you have a nice day/night

Your A/N

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