Chapter 31

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Shotos POV

I watched over my dear future husband all the time.

Every of his movements, as much as i could. I was ready to sprint out of the room anytime in order to protect him.

When we arrived at the room his fight with All Might had just started.

Uraraka and Tsu had made a video of all the CV footage so we could watch it later on. Then i can watch my husband beating the shit out of my 'father'.  I am going to love that so so much. Just seeing his corps like that hypes me up. I love everything about Izu, but this is probably one of the things i will forever love the most of him.

And truth be told, i wasn't afraid the itsy tiny bite of my husband fighting All Might. I knew he would win. He was way better than All Might and even if he got hurt a little, it wouldn't stop him in any way.

~Timsekip in which a Murdersquad with their two assisstants watched their leader beat up All Might~

I heared the shot.

All Might was dead.

For sure.

I don't know why, but i wasn't feeling anything for that short moment. I felt completly empty. Like something, that was alway there, was now ripped out. A part, that was in me connected with happiness but also with a lot of anger.

And then feelings overrun me. Overrun us all.

We all started celebrating. He was finally gone. It took so long, but now he was finally dead. We have been fighting so long for this one moment and now it was finally there.

We cheered loudly, until Iida admonished us to be more quiet because we could attrac attention. We all quiet down. But it seemed as if nobody noticed us. No security or something like that came to us.

I wonder where Nezu is?

We watched how our leader started jogging through the halles until one moment, he started sprinting.

What happened?

Was he being followed?

But if he were, he wouldn't run to his original destination...

I pushed Tsu out of her chair and got on the computure. I searched for the cameras of the cell of All for One.

I soon found them.

I brought the footage on the screen.

What i saw, shocked me.

The LoV was completly surrounded by police and security but still fought them. It were like over 100 people against this small amount of villains. But well trained villains. But they were only 8 people. That's why Izuku started sprinting. He wants to help them.

And i saw, how he arrived. But there are to many. He is going to get hurt.

I need to help him!

I turned around and to the door and sprinted towards it. It were only inches between me and the doorknob, but somehow Iida came between us.

"You can't go out there!"

"Yes, i can and i will. He is going to get hurt."

"We are only allowed to leave this room, if it's an emergency."

"This is a fucking emergency!"

"No, it's not. Izuku can handel the situation."




I tried to push him away, but both of my hands were grabbed from behind and pulled behind my back. It were Hitoshi and Denki holding them tightly.


"No, you need to believe in his strenght. You know, that he can do that. Just look at the screen."

I turned my head back to the screen and saw him. Fighting. And all these peoples corpses he killed without mercy around him. And he didn't get hurt.

I watched his movements until everyone was killed.

He was safe.

All the adrenalin left my body, i calmed down again. I loosened my muscles and Denki as well as Hitoshi let go of my arms. I took a step back from the door but Iida didn't move.

"You can move away from there. I won't try to get out again."

"It wasn't your fault. In your situation, every one here would have acted the same way."

I nodded and also saw everybody else nod. But maybe, just maybe, it's even more worse for me.

Because he is the leader. He is controled by nobody. He takes care that nobody else gets hurt, even if it costs his own life. That's just how he is towards his family.

And that is, what scares the shit out of me over and over again. That ha maybe throws himself infront of who knows who to protect them from getting shot. Becasue he so often forgets his quirk in the battle.

He often fights complelty quirkless. He said to me once, when i asked him, that he wants to show people that also quirkless people are as good as everybody else, if not even better. But just in their own way.

That sentence stayed with me since then. I couldn't forget it and i also didn't want to forget it. Because it inclouded so many true things i always need to remember and am never allowed to forget.

Everybody is in something good, often just in their own way.

Just because someone does something in a diffrent way, it doesn't mean, he is because of that better or worse at something. And there are so many people out there, who need to understand that.

I got pulled out of my thoughts by the others all celebrating again.

I turned to the screen and saw why.

The door opened.

Izuku POV

The door opened.

We stepped inside together.

I didn't need to look around much, i saw my father immediatly.

"Hello, my children."

"Hello, father."

I walked up to him, the rest following me until we all stood infront of him. All for One weakly smiled at us.

"You did it. I am proud of you all."

We all smiled and i than turned around to Kurogiri.

"Which maschinery does he need to survive?"

Kurogiri pointed out some hoses. I nodded and then got out my daggers and cut everything i cut could through. Then i powered One for All up a little and distroyed everything that needed to be distroyed. 

Soon, All for One was able to get out of the chair table thing he was strapped to. He stood on hiw feets, weakly, yes, but he stood.

When he did that, i did the only thing, i was able to think of.

I got down on one knee, my right one to be percisely, and lowered my head, facing the ground.

I didn't know why exactly, but i knew that the rest did the same. Even the ones watching over camera.

 Then a hand came into my view field.



I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Thank you for over 1000 reads. It really makes me very happy. And i love you all.

Have a nice day / night!

Your A/N

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