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– a real date night –


The next morning Pia was alone. She was released from work but the others weren't so there wasn't anyone to say goodbye to - nobody except for Stark.

For some reason, he didn't go on a mission that day. But Pia was sure he wouldn't want her to talk to him so she took her suitcase and went to the elevators. On the way there, she made a quick stop by the kitchen.

"I'll be off."

Tony raised his eyes while sipping his coffee.


Pia hadn't expected more than that as an answer. He just wouldn't change. Not even with a great girlfriend like Pepper by his side. But that's the way it was.

She left the tower full of anticipation for her own house.

She took the subway for a few stops before she had to get off and walk on.
It had only been a day but she missed the fresh air and the forest path surrounded by beautiful trees.

Arriving at her house she walked around it to make sure she was alone.

She didn't want to admit it but since the attack, she had become a little paranoid. She couldn't do anything without looking around to make sure she was alone.

After the short walk around, she unlocked her front door, took off her shoes and jacket, and went upstairs to see if everything had been repaired.

She entered the room and instantly all the feelings she felt the day of the attack arose. She saw herself lying on the ground crying, while the attacker almost killed her. The sound of the sirens roared in her ears and she saw him jump out of the window in front of her inner eye.

The window looked new but the memories still caught up with her. She quickly locked her bedroom door and walked up and down the room.

Why did she come back so soon? She could have stayed at the Tower for a few more days before returning back home.

What if the man came back and tried to kill her again? For a moment she thought of leaving but that thought quickly vanished.

Tony didn't want her around and Steve had already done so much for her. She didn't want to make it any harder for them than it already was with all the work.

Suddenly her phone rang - it was Pietro.

Take a deep breath and then use what you learned at SHIELD. It's not that hard, she thought.

"Hello, Pietro."

"Hey, why did you leave without saying goodbye?"

"I wasn't sure when or if you were coming back today and I thought I could already check on my house."

"Oh, okay. I would have liked to say goodbye personally."

"You can. Have you forgotten my invitation?"

Pia didn't know what she was doing. She'd rather be alone for the next few days. No one should see her as agitated as she was at that moment.

She wasn't sure she could hide it from Pietro for the whole night and the strange feeling she had the night before still lingered somewhere in her. But the words just gushed out of her.

"Certainly not. How could I forget such a thing? So, when do you want to meet?"

"How about tonight?"

Say Yes To Heaven - A Bucky Barnes Story [Updated Version] Where stories live. Discover now