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– self-destruction –


The next four days, Bucky and Pia always met in the evening to watch the other movies. By then, they were good friends.

From time to time she thought of the time when she was almost murdered by him and wondered why she was friends with him. But then she spent time with him again and her doubts disappeared. He was a great guy and showed her how much he liked her.

One night when they had just finished watching another movie, Bucky had an idea.

"Come with me."

"Where to?"

"The gym."

"Are you crazy? It's 10:00. I'm not going anywhere except to my bed."

"Oh really?"

"Yeah, what are you gonna do about it?"

The next second, Pia wished she'd never said that. Bucky grabbed her by the wrist and ripped her out of her seat. Then he clasped her legs and threw her over his shoulder.

Pia protested loudly. "James Buchanan Barnes, put me down right now."

She hit his back. "Leave me alone."

"Leave me alone," he mimicked her. "You better stop whining."

She shook his arm and tried to kick him, but it didn't help. He carried her to the elevators, when she suddenly acted as if she couldn't breathe. Bucky let her go immediately and helped her sit down.

"Are you okay", he asked.

But before he got an answer, she jumped up laughing and ran away.

"You sneaky little-" Bucky shouted as he ran after her.

She tried to escape him, but he was too fast. She landed over his shoulder faster than she thought. He was carrying her to the elevators when Steve just came up to them from one of them.

"Steve," Pia screamed. "Help me!"

"Oh...I think someone's calling my name. Sorry, Pia," Steve said and walked past them.


Bucky took Pia to the training rooms.



"Can you put me down?"

"If you promise me that you won't leave, then yes."

"I promise."

He let her down and was boxed into the arm shortly after.


"You deserve that. I'm way too tired to train. Why don't you just let me sleep?"

"Do you know how much pizza you've stuffed into yourself since you've had no mission? And you trained a lot less. We're gonna have to catch up a little."

"Did you just call me fat?"

"What? No, I-"

"Oh, you totally did. But I don't care. Your opinion doesn't really matter to me," she grinned. "Why do you wanna work out now though? Can't we just do that tomorrow?"

"We won't have time tomorrow."

"Why not?"

"That's a secret I'll never tell."

"Wait, did you just quote gossip girl?"

"I've been working on catching up on...everything you know?"

Say Yes To Heaven - A Bucky Barnes Story [Updated Version] Where stories live. Discover now