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– house tour –


The next morning Pia woke up with a terrible headache. The hits she had to take the day before had been stronger than she thought.

What time was it anyway? She looked around the room looking for a clock. There: a quarter to nine in the morning. For her taste, way too early to wake up on a day off.

She tried to close her eyes again and go back to sleep, but it didn't work.

Annoyed, she knocked the blanket off and went to the bathroom.
She didn't like the sight she saw in the mirror at all. She had a few bruises on her face and looked as if she hadn't slept for at least a week. And that's how she felt.

"Maybe a shower will make it better," she thought.

When she was finished showering, she put on a red summer dress and matching red sneakers and let her hair fall over her shoulders.

Although she thought she still looked like a zombie she decided against makeup. She wouldn't want to take it off in the evening anyway.

After one last look in the mirror, she dragged herself ponderously into the kitchen.


Everyone was sitting together at the big dining table. When Pia entered the kitchen, they looked up at her.

"Good morning," she hummed.

At the same time, a "good morning" came back from the group. Steve came up to Pia.

"Here, sit down."

He led her to a place between Nat and himself.

She sat down and looked around. She was still being stared at. Nat began to speak.

"You guys are unbelievable. So, how are you, Pia?"

Pia smiled a little. "I have a headache. But it's better than yesterday."

The looks of the others still rested on her.

"Do you want to introduce yourself, guys," asked Nat.

No answer.

"Seriously? How old are you? Ten?Okay, Pia. These two are our twins, Pietro and Wanda."

While Wanda smiled and waved briefly, her brother politely said "Nice to meet you". His accent was extraordinary...beautiful.

"Here we have Rhodey, you already know Thor, Sam, and Clint. The doctor's name is Bruce. And that's Vision.

"It's an honor to meet you," Vision said.

"Mhm...here we have Peter and you should know everyone else."

Pia nodded and then waved while Peter smiled at her.

"Bruce wants to examine you, by the way," Nat whispered as she sat down again.

Then Steve tapped Pia's shoulder.
"Do you still want to tell me what happened?"

When Pia noticed that she was still being looked at, she just turned around.

"Of course, Steve. I'm sure everyone is interested in it."

Then she deliberately put on a fake smile but immediately became serious again.

"I cleaned up the kitchen last night and wanted to go upstairs, but I heard a noise. When I couldn't see anyone outside, I thought I was just imagining something but then I heard a shot. So I got one of my guns and went to the door to look outside. When no one was there either, I went back inside. As I closed the door I felt a breath on my neck and my gun was knocked out of my hand. Before I could react, I was strangled. I was able to shake him off. We fought for some time until I managed to knock him down and locked myself in my room. But he came in anyway and almost shot me. Luckily the team came and he just jumped out of the window on the other side of my house and got away. And...well now I'm safe thanks to Steve."

Say Yes To Heaven - A Bucky Barnes Story [Updated Version] Where stories live. Discover now