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– on the roof –


Pia spent the next two days watching movies. She was in her room most of the time and didn't show herself to the others. At least that way she could avoid Bucky and didn't have to pretend to get along with him. And then the day came when she was allowed to go to work again.

She woke up at 6:30 and put on her work clothes, consisting of a leather suit that she really liked, boots, and gloves – all in black. Then she made her way to the kitchen to have breakfast.

The only person there was Bucky. She greeted him but decided to eat somewhere else. She made herself a cup of tea and some bread and was just about to leave when Bucky stopped her.

"You don't have to leave just because I'm here."

She stopped and sat down opposite him sinceshe didn't want to be mean. Without saying a word she ate her bread and drank her tea.

"So what are your plans for today?"

Pia didn't know why he tried to talk to her. She didn't feel comfortable talking to him so she kept her answers short.


"And you always go to work in outfits like that, 'cause...wow."

"What are you doing?"

"Nothing, I'm just trying to make conversation."

"Listen, Barnes. We don't need to talk to each other, and don't ask me why. You know exactly why. I'd prefer it if we didn't talk at all."

He just grinned at her. "I like the new nickname."

"Could you just shut the fuck up?"

Bucky looked at her confused. "You know, I think you've got a wrong idea of me."

Pia laughed. "I'm sorry that the person who almost shot me and then almost burned me seems suspicious to me."

"I'd love to show you what I'm really like. Tonight at nine on the roof."

Pia got up and put her dishes away.
"Dream on, Barnes."


She went to the garage and drove to the SHIELD headquarters. There, she wanted to get into the main control center with her card but it didn't work. After a few failed attempts she suddenly heard Nick Fury's voice behind her.

"Agent Smith, follow me."

Confused, she followed him to his office. Agent Jay was also waiting there.

"Sit down, please."

Pia didn't even think about sitting down. "What's going on here?"

"You've been missing quite often lately and haven't been able to carry out your orders. I'm not happy to say this, but we've appointed Agent Jay as our lead agent."

"Sir, you know how much this job means to me. It's not my fault I was attacked. And you know as well as I do that I have better leadership qualities than he does."

Say Yes To Heaven - A Bucky Barnes Story [Updated Version] Where stories live. Discover now