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– pia's plan –


"It's actually a cute idea," said Bruce enthusiastically.

Nat grimaced. "Yeah but make it any sweeter and I'm gonna puke. I'd still like to help though." She winked at Pia and left the room to find Bucky. Bruce changed in the meantime.

"I'll talk to Steve about the pictures."

"Thanks, Bruce. I'll go to the library and prepare a few things."

So Bruce went to Steve. A few moments later, Pia also left the room. She got some things that she could use for her plan and drove to the small library a few floors up.

The room was rather small for the proportions of the huge tower. Each wall was covered with bookshelves, on which countless books were lined up. It smelled a bit musty and it was relatively dark. Pia turned on the lights and put her materials on the small table in the back of the room.

She looked around and pulled a book out of one of the shelves. It was so dusty that Pia had to cough. She had never been in that room before and there obviously wasn't anyone else in the tower who visited the library regularly.

Some books piqued Pia's interest though. She decided to spend more time in the library in the future. But first she had to prepare everything for the evening.

Pia was nervous. She had never done anything so loving for anyone and she was curious to see how Bucky would react to it.


Meanwhile Bruce knocked on Steve's door.

"Pia, I told you, I can't talk to you right now."

"It's Bruce. May I come in?"

"Oh." Steve looked at Bucky, who nodded slightly. "Okay, come in."

Bruce opened the door and went inside.
"Bucky, you're here? Nat is looking for you."


"I– I don't know. You should probably go see her though, it sounded kinda urgent."

"Um...I don't really want to talk to anyone right now."

Bruce scratched the back of his head. "I'd like to talk to Steve alone for a minute, if I'm being honest. I mean, if that's okay for you."

Steve and Bucky glanced at each other again before Bucky nodded and got up.

"So Bruce, what's up?" asked Steve when they were alone.

"It's about Pia and Bucky."

Steve immediately rolled his eyes.

"She has a surprise planned."

"I don't think now is the time for surprises. Bucky is pretty upset. He doesn't know what to do. I think he needs some rest."

"I understand what you mean, but Pia's idea is very...sweet and creative. That's why Nat is looking for Bucky, too. She has to get him to go to the library."

Say Yes To Heaven - A Bucky Barnes Story [Updated Version] Where stories live. Discover now