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– burn baby, burn –


Pia's eyes widened. Did she just hear that right? She panicked.

"Steve? Can you hear me?"

She didn't get an answer. Now she had to concentrate and find out what was going on only by listening. It was more difficult that she thought. She closed her eyes and breathed deeply.

Then she heard a quiet "Steve?"
But after that it was quiet again.

Suddenly she heared the engine of a motorcycle, then Steve spoke.

"I have to go after him."

"You can't leave now," Nat called out to him.

"I have to."

"You know, you can be very convincing sometimes."

That was the end of their
conversation. They got in the car and drove off; apparently to find Bucky.

Pia couldn't help them. Or rather she didn't want to do anything. She could have sent agents in to arrest Bucky but she couldn't do that to Steve.

Instead, she listened to the 'chase' and pretended that everything was going according to plan. However Steve and Nat soon removed their headsets so she couldn't hear anything that happened afterwards.

Concerned, she also took off hers and wanted to title the mission as finished, when Nick Fury appeared behind her.

"Agent Smith, what's going on?"

Now she had to make up her mind. Did she want to lie and help her friends but risk her job or keep her job but get her friends in trouble? The answer was obvious, but as it would turn out shortly afterwards, it didn't really matter what she decided to do.

"Everything went according to plan, sir."

"Don't bullshit me, Smith. You've been out of contact with them for over 20 minutes."


She wanted to keep her job, she really did. But Steve was a close friend and had done anything he could to help her in times of need. Now she would help him.

"I can't betray my friends, I'm sorry."

"This is your first offical warning. You leave me no choice. Go home now. I think it's better if you take the rest of your free days off after all." He left the room.

Pia was shocked. She knew that she had lied to him but she hadn't expected to practically getting suspended.

She got into her car, turned on the music and let it run at maximum volume until she was at home.


She parked her car, slammed the door shut and went into the house. There she threw her bag into the corner, fought her way out of the skintight suit and went into the shower. Her thoughts were a mess.

It should have been a normal mission, but once again fate was not on her side.

An accident, apparenty caused by Bucky, then he disappears and Steve and Nat follow him. And who has to pay for it? Pia. It was always her. She didn't know how to feel.

She hoped that Steve would find his best friend again so her little sacrifice wasn't for nothing, but that would also mean that he would introduce them to each other and she did not want that at all.

How would she be able to keep secret what Bucky almost did to her?

Still undecided she turned the water off and got out of the shower. She put on a comfortable pair of sweatpants and a T-Shirt then she blow-dried her hair.

Say Yes To Heaven - A Bucky Barnes Story [Updated Version] Where stories live. Discover now