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– confession –


Everyone was gathered in the common room, when the elevator doors opened and Pia stepped out. Her back hurt terribly. She couldn't stop herself from whincing at the pain every few steps.

"Never will I ever sleep on a bar stool again," she thought as she went to get some water.

When she left the kitchen, everyone was grinning at her. She stopped walking and looked around.

"Okay, who of you knows?" she asked, not paying attention to Bucky being there.

Everyone, except him and Steve, raised their hands.

"Some even saw it," grinned Nat.

"What?" Pia was visibly shocked. "What kind of sick bastard would even do that?"

"Oh I love that you're saying it like that," said Clint.

Slowly, Tony, Sam and Bruce raised their hands. Pia stared between the three in disbelief. "Really?! You're such perverts! And Bruce. I may have expected it from these two, but you? Why did you do it?"

"The question should be: Why did you two do it?" asked Clint, pointing at Steve and Pia.

Steve's eyes widened as Bucky looked back and forth between them.

"If you don't shut your mouth I'm gonna cut off your fingers, one by one, and feed them to you."

"That's my girl," Natasha grinned again.

"Sorry Pia," Bruce started, getting back to the actual topic of conversation, "but with movies, it's like with books: I just can't stop, no matter how bad they are."

Pia and Steve glared at him, while everyone else started to laugh. Tony even fist-bumped Bruce.

"Well you didn't feel it, you just saw it. So your opinion doesn't really matter," hissed Pia and went to her room.

Meanwhile Bucky and Steve were sitting at a table in the corner of the room.

"What were they talking about?" whispered Bucky to Steve.

"I don't know, Buck. Nobody said anything to me either."

Bucky could tell that his best friend wasn't being honest with him. He didn't want to push it further though.

Funnily enough, Steve could tell that Bucky could tell that he wasn't telling him the truth. So he quickly tried to distance himself from Bucky, got up and sat down on the couch next to Natasha.

Somehow he felt bad. Everything between him and Pia would stay the same, but if he told Bucky about what happened, he would definitely be mad at him. He knew that Pia meant a lot to Bucky.

He didn't know what to do.

On the one hand, he didn't want to hurt his best friend, especially now that they found their way back to each other. But on the other hand, Bucky was the one to blame for not being with Pia. Steve was sure she would have said yes to a relationship long ago, if Bucky didn't continue to behave strange and would just confess his love for her instead. But Bucky's always been a stubborn one.

Say Yes To Heaven - A Bucky Barnes Story [Updated Version] Where stories live. Discover now