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Warning: smut


In the last two weeks of November, Pia and Bucky avoided everyone. While Bucky stayed in his room most of the time and rarely trained to avoid meeting Pia, Pia didn't do anything else but work out. She went out to run and hit the gym every day.

In the beginning, Steve trained with her, let her hit him without fighting it because he knew that whatever had happened was his fault.

During the first week, however, he stopped, because Pia became more and more brutal and he feared to be injured at some point.

It was the last day of November when Pia was practicing her shooting once again. She had just hit the same target six times in a row when she heard a voice behind her.

"Wow, that was quite impressive," said Bruce in a calm tone.

Tony appeared next to him. "We wanted to talk to you. May we?" he asked politely.

Pia didn't want to talk.

"Please," said Bruce. "Look around. This room is full of- full of Hulk triggers. I came here for you."

Pia sighed. "I know, gunshots make you nervous."

She thought about it and nervously bit her lower lip. Finally, she nodded.
"Let's go somewhere else."

Tony went ahead. "I know a quiet place. Come on."

They got on the elevator and Tony pushed a button that said "private".

"Pepper isn't here right now. No one will disturb us. Sit down." He pointed at the large sofa in the middle of the room when they got out of the elevator.

"Nice place you have here."

"Thanks, Pia."

Tony paused. It was quiet for a moment until Bruce spoke up. "We're worried about you. You haven't talked to any of us for almost two weeks now. That's a really long time considering we all live in the same building."

Pia smiled at him. "You don't need to be worried. I'm all right. Better than I ever was, actually."

"Maybe physically but are you really okay?"

"Bruce is right," said Tony. "I've been in a similar situation before. I didn't talk to anyone and became ignorant and neglected other people's feelings."

"Why are you talking in the past tense? You're always like that."

Tony sighed. "The point is, I don't want that to happen to you. And I know that you may think that going through this alone is the better option but it's not. You have us and we want to be there for you."

"That's sweet but I can take care of myself just-"

"Believe me - we can do more for you than you can do for yourself. I mean just look at you. You don't do anything but work out. Outside. In winter. Honestly, I still can't figure out how you don't get sick from all that running around outside."

Say Yes To Heaven - A Bucky Barnes Story [Updated Version] Where stories live. Discover now