C H A P T E R T W E N T Y - O N E

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– the truth –


Pia and Bucky spent the first days of December watching movies and enjoying their time together. They were happy not to have to go on missions. In the second week the time had come: They would go on vacation.

Pia was just about to finish packing her suitcase when Bucky came into the room.

"Hey, doll."

"Hey, Bucky. I'll be done in a minute. All I'm missing is shoes, my sunglasses oh, and have you seen the sunscreen? What are you doing?" Pia asked laughing as Bucky turned her back to him and held her hands in his. Her laugh faded when she saw Bucky's look.

"What is it?"

"We...we can't go on vacation."

"What? But–"

"There is a snowstorm coming. The flights are canceled. Tony said the private jet is not an option."

Pia was visibly disappointed.

"I'm so sorry, Pia."

"Hey, it's okay. It's not your fault. We'll just stay here and have a good time."

When Pia smiled Bucky immediately felt better.

"I guess I'll unpack," Pia said and pointed to the suitcase.

"Do that. I still have something to clarify. See you later?"

"Of course."

Bucky gave Pia a quick kiss and made his way to Steve's room. Without knocking, he threw the door open.


"Hey Steve, may I come in? Sure, the door is open, Buck."

"I need the tower for me. For us."

"You mean you and Pia?"

"No, me and Tony. Of course me and Pia."

"Listen, I'm glad you're together, but I can't do anything. You need to talk to Tony."

"Come on Steve. Can't you send everyone on missions or something?"

Steve shook his head. "It doesn't work that way. You know that."


"Absolutely not. No way."

But since Bucky was anything but satisfied with the answer, he simply stopped and looked at Steve until he smiled.

"Jesus, Bucky, you're lucky I'm so nice. Starting tomorrow there is a mission that would last three weeks. I can take everyone with me. But I can't guarantee that everyone will come with me. And the mission would be ending twice as fast."

"A week's rest is more than enough. Thanks, Stevie."

Bucky gave Steve a big hug, kissed him on the cheek, then ran out of the room. Steve looked after him to make sure he was out of earshot and then called Tony.

"Tony, we have a problem."


Ten minutes later everyone was gathered in the conference room.

"Where are Pia and Bucky?"

"Sent them shopping. There's a lot of stuff on the list that I've never heard of. They'll be busy long enough," Tony replied.

"Well, guys. We have a problem," Steve began. "These are threatening letters that we got, well not us, but Bucky."

He pointed to the screen behind him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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