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– are you gonna stay the night? –


The two made their way to the first floor. Bucky decided to bring Pia candy to cheer her up. He knew that he should probably give her more time to think everything over and talk to her the next day or even the day after that, but he just couldn't wait any longer.

After all the beautiful words that Pia had said to him earlier, his doubts were gone and he realized that he should no longer fight his feelings.

He still thought he didn't deserve her and that she could find someone better, someone who wasn't broken like him, but if she really did choose him, he wouldn't try to talk her out of it anymore.


When he found the candy, he took a huge bowl and filled it with various sweets. He didn't know why but he was sure this was what Pia needed. He also got some lemonade and glasses and then knocked on Pia's door.

"It's open."

Slowly he opened the door a little and looked into the room. "Hey."


"I...brought you something." He opened the door completely so that she could see what he was holding in his hands.

She gave him a barely noticeable smile, visibly embarrassed about the previous situation. And yet it made him so happy to see her smile in his presence.

She patted the seat next to her on the bed. Bucky sat down and then placed the bowl between Pia and himself while the glasses and the lemonade found a place on the bedside table.

Pia reached for a Mars bar, opened it and began to eat. Bucky watched her. Without realizing it, he began to smile. She was happy to see him smile in her presence.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" asked Pia after a short while, in which she pretended not to have noticed how Bucky was watching her.

"You really mean what you said earlier, don't you?"

Pia swallowed the rest of the candy. "Every single word."

Now Bucky smiled even more. Pia was pretty sure she'd never seen him so happy. Not even at a moment like when they'd had a flour fight in the kitchen while baking pizza.

"I know I said I didn't deserve you and I still think I don't and that a relationship with me can get very complicated, but if you are sure you can handle it and if you really want us to be together, I would be very happy to call you my girlfriend."

Pia had expected everything, but certainly not this. She thought he would try to convince her that this was all a huge mistake, or even not to talk to her anymore, but that? That surprised her very much.


Only now did she notice that she had just stared into space. When she finally met his eyes, a big smile spread across her face.

"Is that your way of asking me if I want to be your girlfriend?"

Bucky pressed his lips together and nodded slightly. Pia just smiled harder and finally nodded too.

"Then I would love to be your girlfriend."

Bucky smiled when Pia suddenly fell around his neck. Only now did he realize how much he had missed being close to her. He hugged her tighter, almost suffocating her, as if he knew what would happen in a few days.

Finally, Pia pulled away from him and he immediately felt empty. He knew he would never let her go again. She meant too much to him. But Pia did not move away from him as expected. She stayed right in front of him.

They just looked at each other until Bucky slowly leaned forward and closed their lips in a simple yet so tender kiss.

Pia just lived in the moment. No attempted murder, no fears, no worries. Nothing but her love for him.

She smiled into the kiss. Only now did they both realize how much they really needed each other. Pia put the bowl on the bedside table without another word. Then she hugged Bucky again.

"Are you staying tonight?" Her voice was a single shaky whisper.

Bucky, however, did not answer, but slid back against the bed rail, made himself comfortable and took Pia in his arms again. She rested her head on his torso, feeling his even breathing.

For the first time in her life she felt like she loved someone. For the second, actually – her parents were still there.

Bucky couldn't believe his luck. He lay there very quietly, without threat or danger, his dream woman in his arms and grinned to himself.

"I love you, Pia."

Carefully he looked down at her, but she was already asleep. Still, he knew she loved him too. He could have watched her sleep for hours – she looked so peaceful – but he was slowly getting tired too. He fell asleep and was, for the moment, perfectly happy.


short chapter but I hope
you enjoyed it <3

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