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– undercover mission II –


Warning: light nsfw content


"No," Pia simply answered when Steve came to her in the evening and explained the mission that would start in two days.

"Come on, it's an easy mission–"

"You want me to go on a fucking undercover mission with Barnes? Him and me, of all people? Are you insane? Don't you remember what happened last time?"

"No one else–"

"Steve, stop it. You think I don't see what you're trying to do?"

He sighed. "Pia, why don't you just talk to him?"

"'Pia, what's going on between you and Bucky?' 'Why aren't you together yet?' 'Just talk to him, Pia!' It's getting on my nerves. Why can't you just drop it?"

"Because it's you who's standing in your way. Any idiot – hell any blind man would see the tension between you two, but you stubborn idiots don't seem to want anything to happen."

"See the tension? Really, Steve?"

"Oh, come on. You know what I mean!"

Steve shook his head. Suddenly, he crossed his arms in front of his chest and looked at Pia.

"You know what? I'm not even gonna ask anymore. You need to go on that mission. You have to. It's an order."

Pia laughed. "An order? What's next? Should I call you boss?"

"I might consider it, if you don't do what I say."

Without another word he left the room. A few seconds later he came back, holding a bag in his left hand and carrying a folder under his right arm.

"The day after tomorrow, ten o'clock. All the other pieces of information are here."

He handed her the folder and left a packed bag for her. Pia eyed both items suspiciously.

"Do you really think it's a good idea to send us both on a mission where we have to pretend to love each other?"

"I think it's a fantastic idea," Steve said while grinning stupidly.

Pia threw a pillow at him – he caught it, of course, threw it back at her and left. She opened the folder and read everything carefully. If she had to go on the mission, then at least perfectly prepared.


- First day of the mission -

Both Pia and Bucky kept their first name, with the small change that Bucky was called by his real first name, James. Thanks to Tony's help they were able to apply nanotechnology that made Bucky's metal arm appear real. The problem was, it was only a hologram. If someone touched his arm, the camouflage could be blown.

Except for this small risk, the mission was really simple. It was about spying on a woman called Nadja Zola, codename Viper, to get information about the weapon. She had direct connections to Hydra.

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