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– we need to talk –


"Hey Pia. Where's Steve?" asked Tony when he saw her entering the common room half an hour later.

"No idea."

"And Bucky?" Pietro grinned cheekily.

"Fuck you, Pietro." Nobody went into this comment, because nobody really liked him after what he did to Pia.

As always, she made herself a drink.

"Isn't it a little early for that?" asked Bruce.

"Come on," began Clint, "it's never too early for a good scotch," he winked, looking in Pia's direction. She immediately understood and poured him a glass.

"Thanks Pia." He walked over to her and kissed her on the cheek. They stood next to each other in silence as they slowly drank the alcohol.

The others were engrossed in their own conversations, so Clint had the opportunity to talk to her unnoticed.

"Do you want to talk about it?" he asked.

"Wait a second." Pia turned around, grabbed the vodka bottle, took a long swig, and then paused for a moment.

"I told Bucky I loved him."

Clint choked on the last sip of his drink.

"What? How? When did that happen?"

"Just about an hour ago. I went to see Steve but Bucky was there, too. Apparently Steve told him what happened between us. Bucky was furious. I wanted to talk to him to tell him my version of the story. When he didn't let me into his room I just...went for it and told him everything. I don't even know if he was listening to me."

"So he didn't answer?"

"Nope. I went to my room when he didn't react." Pia lowered her gaze, tears forming in her eyes.

"Oh, Pia." Clint took her into his arms; she put her head on his shoulder. The others noticed but Clint shook his head to signal them to keep their mouths shut.

"Steve told us that Bucky likes you too," he whispered.

Pia looked at him surprised. Then she laughed lightly and shook her head.

"That can't be true. Maybe you have–"

"I did not misunderstand it. Believe me, I know I'm not the most trustworthy but I definitely got this one right. He likes you. Very much even. He's just afraid that you'll reject him, that's all."


Suddenly Steve stepped into Pia's field of vision. "Yes, really. Now go on, talk to him."

Pia kissed both Clint and Steve on the cheek and ran to Bucky's room as fast as she could.

Steve hit Clint's arm. "You really can't be trusted with anything! Do you know that I'm already stressed enough with him as it is?"


Pia knocked on Bucky's door.

"Who's there?"

Say Yes To Heaven - A Bucky Barnes Story [Updated Version] Where stories live. Discover now