chapter 4

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That morning I bumped into takashi on my way to class.

"Hey mori senpei!" I said with a smile.

"Hello chris." Takashi said in his deep way.

"How are you this fine day." I asked smiling.

"Well. Have you seen metskimi?" He asked. "I can't seem to find him."

"No, sorry haven't seen him since yesterday." I answered. "I'll let him know your looking for him if I see him. Deal?"

"Thanks. I appreciate your help." Takashi replied. He then continued walking.

Shortly after I saw honey sitting down eating cake. I walked up to him.

"Chris Chan!!" He said happily. "Want to share some cake with me?"

"Sure, mori senpei is looking for you." I told him sitting down across from him.

Honey passed me a piece of cake. It was chocolate. "Really? I'll go look for him later. Right now I wanna share some cake with you."

"Thanks." I said bitting into the first piece. "Wow this is really good!"

"Yeah, you've never had this kind?"

"Well being a commoner she most likely wouldn't be able to afford it." Kyouyas voice sounded as he came into the room.

"Should I be finding that offensive?" I asked.

"You tell me."

"I would if I knew." I said.

"Well I best be off." Kyouya said walking by me. He smiled with a grin of mischief, he had a look in his eyes that told me instantly he had some secret, whether it was good or bad I couldn't tell.

Later on in the day I walked into the music room. Only to become a jungle Jim for honey.

"Hi chris Chan!" He said happily.

"Hello honey senpei!" I said with a smile.

"You really are having fun aren't you." Haruhi said.

"Yeah, its a fun crowd for a couple of poor gals like us." I said draping my arm over her shoulders playfully.

Haruhi laughed, "I guess so."

"Ah, welcome." Tamaki said walking up to us. "And how are the flowers doing this fine day?"

"Flowers?" Haruhi asked confused.

"Fine." I replied for us.

"That's good to hear" tamaki said. "Because we have just figured out what types you are."

"Types?" Haruhi and I asked in unison.

"Yes, there is tamaki, the princely type. Hikaru and kauro, the little devil type. Strong silent type, boy belida type, and the cool type." Kyouya explained. "We are a perfect blend of personalities for our host club, its all about varity. We are now complete with the new addition of you and haruhi. We have established that you are the casual type, and haruhi the natural."

"Natural?" Haruhi said with confusion in her voice.

"I always figured I was more the outgoing soldier. Weird and mysterious. Has a nice ring to it too." I said.

"She makes a valid point." Hikaru and kauro said.

"After all she definitely doesn't seem like your average casual guy." Hikaru said independently.

"Nope. Definitely not average." Kauro agreed.

"I'm am so not average." I said backing up the idea. "I'm just your basic lunatic."

"We better be getting prepared. The ladies will be arriving shortly." Tamaki said. He clapped his hands as everyone began to scatter. I went a got a tray of tea and set it on my table where my whole 4 customers would be talking to me.

A short while later the first few girls appeared. Soon followed by many more. 2 walked up to me.

"Sup." I said smiling.

The first one began to blush, "eeek, the smile!"

"Mind if we sit with you?" Said the second one shyly.

"Not at all." I said happily. Since I was a bisexual I didn't find it hard to flirt with the girls slightly. "So tell me. What did such orchids do this nice day?"

The first girl blushed, turning red as Hinata hyuga in front of naruto, "um.....we had a lovely day."

"Chris!" Hikaru and kauro called as they came up behind me. "We challenge you to the which one is hikaru game!"

"Well that's easy." I said turning around. I looked at them and I could see it by the look in their eyes which was which. I smiled gently, one of them shivered. Hikaru never could sit still when I smiled and pointed him out.

"Damn, your the first to ever get the right answer." Hikaru said. "Its that smile of yours! I can't sit still when I see it."

"It is your weakness." I said with a playfull sneer. "My smile is my weapon, it immobilizes you and makes your blood boil."

"Ah, such a choice of words!" The girls behind me squeaked.

"We will get you! One of these days!" Kauro said playfully.

I again smiled gently, "you can try..." I trailed off to add effect. It worked perfectly.

Hikaru and kauro backed away to tamaki, they then gave him a bit of cash, did they make a bet? I thought with curiosity. How sweet.

"Chris..." A fangirl said to snap me to reality.

"Yeah," I responded. My head flinched up to look at her.

"You were staring off into space......what were you thinking about?"

"Nothing you ladies would be interested in. Guy stuff." I said casually. It was fun pretending to be a guy, a full out guy.

"Oh......well we should get going soon." The other one said. "Good day chris."

"Good day." I said waving them good bye.

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