chapter 6

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(Warning: this contains a lot of flashbacks and abuse ish)

My POV still

Kyoyas father burst through the door with rage in his eyes and a very angry expression to go along with it.

The room became dead silent. Only sounds from outside were heard but even so their sounds were muffled. Kyoyas father went up to  me.

Third person POV

As Mr. Ohtori went up to Chris and kyoya standing next to her he didn't peep a word. Nothing was said and nothing was heard. He looked at them in disappointment and nothing moved. Everything was frozen still as stone. Until his arm moved in one swift and lightning fast motion. He slapped Christiana harder than he would kyoya.

"You left without permission or notifying anyone before hand." He said sternly. "I think of you as a daughter and so I shall treat you no different. Perhaps I was wrong about you being worthy of my second son." With these harsh words he left the room.

Mitskuni was about to go to Chris, shock in his eyes. But Takashi stopped him, giving him a look to say he shouldn't. The small boy stepped back.

"Chri-" tamaki started but was cut off by the girl.

"Don't tamaki. I'm fine." She said waving him off when he approached. She calmy walked out the door to the room but ran in one direction thinking no one would notice.

My POV again

I ran down the halls while my cheek stung and hot tears threatened to fall but they didn't for a while. When the first few tears fell everything seemed to go in slow motion. When I got outside I found the closest alleyway and ran down it. When I reached the end I leaned my against the wall, sliding down to a sitting position.

I knew it was coming. So why am I crying? Tears won't help me here. Memories of my past in this world flooded through me. First came the memory that was my first.


"Christiana! Come downstairs!" Mother called. I was 4 then, this was the first memory I knew the clearest.

I ran down the marble steps with a giant grin. "What is it mommy?" I asked her. I looked very different from how I do now, mainly because I had blonde hair.

"This is the ohtor family." My mother said gesturing to 5 people. "They wanted you to meet their youngest son, kyoya, but he became ill so he couldn't come."

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