book 2 chapter 1

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(Yahoo! I don't have my writers block anymore! I have an idea and its a fucking good one and it'll take a few chaps!)

Kaoru POV

A loud noise was heard throughout the school signifying lunch. Koaru got up from his chair and went to Chris who seemed more distant than usual today. Both her and kyoya seemed it. She got up from her chair and walked with shun, hikaru, haruhi, and the confused kaoru.

"Hey Chris?" Kauro asked. "You seem more distant these past few days."

"Its nothing." She said.

At lunch tamaki and kyoya showed up.

"Kyoya sempai? Tamaki sempai? What are you doing here?" Haruhi asked.

"Yeah, aren't you in the other classes?" Chris asked.

"We had a free period so tamaki decided to visit since it was your lunch period." Kyoya explained.

Hunny soon trotted over with a cake and Mori-sempai at his side. "Oh, so you guys had a free period too? That's great!"

"Hunny sempai? And mori sempai too? Don't even tell me renge is next." Haruhi muttered.

"Hello shun!" Tamaki said happily to the shy teen. He was sitting next to kauro. "I have an experiment. Come with me please." He said taking the teen to group of girls.

Huh? What's tamaki sempai doing? Kauro thought. The girls all faundered over shun and kauro felt a pang of jealousy in his chest. They all gave him the fangirly googly eyes and squealed about how charming and beautiful he looked and all that stuff. Why am I so jealous? He thought while shun smiled shyly and blushed st their compliments.

"I was right!" Tamaki exclaimed when the two walked back. Shun was still blushing from embarrassment. "Shun, how would you like to be a host!?"

Wow that's actually a great idea! Then he and I can hang out and stuff more! Kauro thought while he smiled. Hoping the shy teen accept.

"Uh sounds fun...." Shun replied shyly. Kauro wanted to jump for joy but kept his cool.

A few listening fangirls began squealing non-stop. Kauro wanted to join them but soon Hunny spoke.

"You want some cake shun Chan?" The innocent boy asked.

"No thank you. I'm full." He said.

Soon an announcement was heard. "Fee period next period for all classes. This includes 7th as well as 8th period classes. Have a good day to all faculty and students." The intercom boomed.

"Free day today. But why?" Hikaru asked.

Kyoy had the answer, pushing up his glasses he spoke. "Its for the preperation for the holloween dance next week. Its a masked ball that all students may attend." He said matter of factly.

"Leave it to the shadow king to know everything." Haruhi said.

"I knew too. In fact I'm part of the set up committee." Chris said raising her hand.

Everyone but kyoya gave her an odd look. "How did the vampire find out if we didn't?" Hikaru asked.

"Isn't it obvious." She gestured to kyoya. "He told me yesterday. I was under the assumption you all ready knew. Guess I was wrong."

"So what are we gonna do for this ball?" Haruhi asked.

"Why we're going to attend of course." Tamaki said. "C'mon hosts! On to music room 3!"

(Man, I wrote this in one shot. I'm proud to say I've got something to write about. I've been so stuck! So now my friend has a chap to read. Finally.)

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