chapter 13

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(Okay my friend will certainly make her appearence now.)

After the limo ride home kyoya had been glaring at me the entire time. Honey was latched to me still.

"So kyoya, how does it feel being a hatchiin pillow?" I mocked.

"You amaze me with your bravery." Kyoya replied coldly

"Maybe I'm the brave type, instead of the casual type." I said laughing.

"I'd agree with that if she woke up kyoya sempai." Haruhi said.

Takashi then walked over and honey jumped from me to him. Only for tamaki to latch onto me.

"Can't a pillow get a break?" I asked playfully.

"Everyone else's gotten to hug you but me! And hikaru and kaoru get you all the time." Tamaki whinned.

"Haruhi, help me." I pleaded.

"Sorry, not even a crowbar would work." Haruhi joked laughing.

"I'd ask for comfy kyoyas help but he is currently being used as the hatchiin pillow." I said. "Ah oh well, my little tamaki can stay!"

Tamaki cheered, we all then entered the hotel. Only for tamaki and myself to be tackled by a person, who it was I've no clue.

"Aaahhh!" I screamed frightened of being attcked with a hug by this random person. When I was free the person helped me up and introduced himself.

"Hello, I and shun yasushiki. (Random huh?) Its so great to see you chris!!!" Shun said a little shyly.

"Shun?!? You don't mean?" I asked stunned. This was my best friend, in the other world.

"Um. Hi.....eheh heh heh....." He said. Shy one he is.

"Well, shun. These are my host friends, kyoya, tamaki is latched to me, the twins hikaru and kaoru, honey, mori sempai, and haruhi and myself." I said pointing to everyone.

"Wait why is he latched to you? And why are those twins using the dark haired one as a pillow?" Shun asked.

"Kyoya and I have comfy shoulders. I'm usually with hikaru and kaoru but tamaki here beat them to my shoulder so after I woke up kyoya I told them he also is comfy and so they're bugging him." I explained.

"We never knew kyoya sempai could be so comfy!" Hikaru and kaoru said.

"Yeah, its funny how I found out."

"Didn't you know that jumping onto people while they're sleeping is extremely rude." Kyoya said darkly while giving me a murderous glare.

"Too bad. It woke you up so we 7 could have our vacation."

"Eight!" Honey corrected waving his bunny around from yakashis shoulders.

"Right, I'm sorry USA Chan." I said with my little smile.

"Usa Chan'" shun asked.

"That would be honey sempais special bunny toy." I said.

"I'll show you all to your rooms." An employee said. We all nodded and were each shown to our rooms. I found it great no one cared about gender. A little less great id be sharing with kyoya.

"I'll kill tamaki later." Kyoya said after hikaru and kaoru detatched themselves from him.

"Anyone else to add to your hit list?" I asked. Soon we both noticed the one bed.

"Okay now I'm really going to kill him." Kyoya growled.

"Probably why he immediately detached himself from me and ran." I said laughing. Great, two weeks of sharing a room with him. Simply wonderful, but at leased I get to wake him up! And boy what fun that should be. I thought with my own evil smirk.

"What's with the smile?"

"Now I get to wake you up every morning." I said. "And this also means comfy kyoya is mine. Hikaru and kaoru will be jealous."

"Since when were you so cheery?" Kyoya asked.

"That incident perhaps a week ago wasn't enough to creep me out forever you know." I said to him while jumping onto the bed and laying down on the plush mattress. I looked closely at the canopy above the bed to see the words, "rise and shine love birds" in bright pink.

"What is it?" Kyoya asked seeing the laughing fit I was throwing. He looked up at the canopy and anger surged through him. "I'm so going to kill them."

"Oh come on love, don't be so glum." I taunted simply to annoy him.

Next kyoya pinned me to the bed, but I kept my smirk in place as he brought his lips to mine, just touching yet not kissing. Softly he spoke, "taunt me again and I'll do more than pin you down." He threatened.

"Hmph, not with haruhi and tamaki next door." I said.

"Unless its quiet." Kyoya retorted.

"I guess you make a point."

"I know I do." Kyoya finished before kissing me. I found it hilarious how it was soft but I didn't laugh. Instead I gave him what he apparently wanted. I lifted myself up and rested my weight on my elbows. I kissed him back passionately.

When we pulled away I spoke. "Your fun." I said. Why I said it I have no clue but oh well.

"'Fun' hmm. Interesting choice of words." Kyoya said.

"Well by 'fun' I mean your a fun kisser. That is when I expect it to happen." I told him. "But why me?"

Kyoya raised a brow. "Hm?"

"You like me kyoya whether you'll admit it or not I can tell." I told him. "I'm giving you what you want. By letting you kiss me."

Kyoya smirked, what could've ran through his mind right then I would never know unless he told me.

Kyoya POV

Hmm. Giving me what I want hmm. I won't take advantage.

Kyoya smirked as he got up. "So you've assumed I like you did you." He said casually.

"Please kyoya." Chris said. "I can tell you do. I don't really care. I know you well enough, I know you won't take advantage just to learn about my past."

"How did you come to that conclusion?"

"Like I said I've known you long enough. I'm not afraid of you anymore." Chris replied bravely. "I'm not going to push. Whether you admit it or know it yourself is not my place, even though its all about me. Well, we should head down before everyone gets suspicious."

"Yes, that is the logical thing to do." Kyoya pushed up his glasses. "Let's go."

No one was downstairs when we got there. Except shun.

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