chapter 2

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It had been a week since kyoyas father hit me. I became slightly more distant, and hikaru, kauro, haruhi and shun noticed. Now that shun was going to join the host club I felt happier though. He was funny and I could tell he was crushing on kauro. But knew better than to ruin the "shock" of that.

Tamaki got us all to the music room and ever so dramatically he went into monolog mode. Rambling on and on about how we'll be creating a giant scare-the-living-shit-outta-other-people contest. It would be a school wide thing and those who don't wanna participate can just stay in the ball room and hang with the other scardy cats.

"Sometimes I wonder if he breathes." I muttered to the twins.

"Who can say?" They both said in unison.

"Maybe he takes one big breath and supports it throughout the whole speech." Kaoru stated in wonder.

"Or maybe he breathes in between and we don't notice." Hikaru said.

"Perhapse he is just good at this sorta thing. Club king after all." I said shrugging.

After tamaki stopped he didn't even look outta breath. It amazed me how he did that sometimes.

"Okay so we're gonna dress up as 'scary' monsters and scare people?" I summed it all up with one sentence.

"Pretty much. But of course we can't be too scary." Tamaki said.

The twins, as if they heard the opposite of what tamaki said, had this evil, rape face that screamed, "we're gonna make em drop dead in fear!".

"Easy on the rape faces guys." I said with a laugh.

"'Rape faces'?" They questioned.

"With the faces you both just made you looked like you would rape the first person you both saw." I said. "Person" being the key word.

"I'll have to agree." Haruhi said. "You two did seem like that."

"Let's not forget about birthday preperations." Kyoya said.

Damn it I thought it might slip! I thought as everyone looked at him confused. I glared at him but he smirked in my direction. We had lightning flying between us, his being more playful and mine being more don't-you-dare-ohtori!

"What birthday preperations?" Hunny asked.

Haruhi began laughing. "I knew this would happen. I feel bad for you Chris." She said.

"Holloween just so happens to be our Christiana's birthday." Kyoya said.

"How come you didn't tell us Chris Chan?" Hunny asked me with those big brown eyes of his.

"I don't like to celebrate my birthday. In all honesty I find it lame." I replied a little too bluntly.

"You're under our mercy now. Not to mention that of my family's on this matter." Kyoya said.

"Oh you're evil ohtori." I said.

And timeskip provided by: kyoyas black book that everyone wants to look inside.

That night I gave kyoya a glare whilst we worked on homework in his room.

"You just had to tell them my birthday was coming up. Didn't you?" I said in an angry, annoyed yet playful way.

"A celebration couldn't be avoided. It was going to come out at some point." Kyoya said as he looked at me with his signature smirk.

I poked his waist, but as I tried kyoya grabbed my wrist swiftly. "Don't even." He said harshly.

I gasped. "Is kyoya ohtori ticklish?" I asked imitating a perfect British accent. An evil smirk spread across my face.

"No!" Kyoya said getting up from his couch and stepping a few steps back. "I am no such thing!"

"Oh but kyoya my dear." I said in a slightly seductive tone. "I beg to differ."

"Don't." Kyoya warned me.

Oh gosh kyoya POV

No no no no no! Kyoya thought as Chris slowly got up from the couch with a very evil smirk on her face. I can't let her tickle me! And that was when kyoya decided. That this was more important. Than his homework. He was venerable. The walls were soundproof. Fyumi would only join in if she was to walk in. Kyoya had one new goal in his life now... …

To stop Chris from tickling him at all costs.

She came at him and chased kyoya around his room. Until finally she caught him. Pinning him to the floor she had both kyoya's wrists pinned above his head. He was trapped she had him in that one position he couldn't get out of. Mostly because her knee was pressed against a certain anatomy of his and if he were to move he would feel some serious pain.

"Ha, you're trapped." Chris said in a sing song tone that kyoya found quite intising. She released one of her hands from kyoya's wrists and trailed it along his arm. Kyoya was waring a short sleeved black "The GazettE" T-shirt so his slender arms were exposed.

Not to mention Cris had long nails filed at a rounded point. As she trailed her nail along kyoya's arm he tried not to laugh. It was so hard as he looked into Chris's eyes. Soon her finger came to kyoya's chest. But once it came to his waist he gave in. He began laughing non stop!

My POV again

Kyoya laughed hysterically as I tickled him. And man did his laugh sound absolutely sexy and adorable at the same time. I began laughing with him. When I stopped tickling him I sat up and ended up sitting on his lap. He sat up in a flash and regained his composure. He took both my hands tightly and brought his face close to mine. I stayed smiling however.

"Don't ever do that again." He said. He opened his mouth to continue but I kissed him. And given he had his mouth open I snaked my tongue into his mouth.

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