chapter 16

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When we got back to the hotel tamaki asked haruhi if we knew how to dance.

"Well considering we don't go to many parties we never needed to be able to." Haruhi answered.

"And let me guess you will be teaching haruhi the girl's and boy's parts and kyoya will be teaching me?" I asked matter a factly

"How did you know." Tamaki asked.

"Lucky guess."

"Yes well it is a needed skill." Kyoya pointed out. "Can't be the wallflower can you?"

"Hey I'm a good wallflower thank you very much." I said in a threateneningly playful way.

"Yes well I'll still be teaching you how to dance." Kyoya said.

"Yeah yeah I know." I said to him.

"Haruhi and I will practice in our room so you two should practice in yours." Tamaki said wrapping around an annoyed haruhi who was carrying bags from dress shopping.

"I'm gonna have cake with takashi!" Hunny cheered.

"Well kyoya let's just get this over with. We only have tonight to make me learn a waltz." I shrugged in mine and kyoyas room.

"That would be the logical thing to do." Kyoya pushed up his glasses and offered me his hand.

I sighed and took his hand and took a step closer to him. His other hand came to my waist and he directed my steps to the right and left and forward. Very few times I stepped on his feet. Why you might ask? In the other world I knew how to ballroom dance a little and knew basic steps. I'd gotten super bored and decided to learn something as dumb and unneeded as that. But here I am needed to know ballroom dancing. Who woulda thought huh?

"You seem to already know the basic steps and movements." Kyoya said as he suddenly spun me around.

"Guess it comes natural." I told him simply.

I was slightly dizzy from being spun like a draddle and kyoya caught me in a small embrace, my arms crossed and our hands linked together. But because I am naturally tall his lips grazed my neck as he whispered softly.

"Quite graceful for a commoner." He said in a devilish way. "You sure your weren't born in wealth?"

The memories of me in this world told me yes but I firmly said no. I spun out of his arms leaving one had linked and getting back into the normal waltz position.

"Just because we share a room doesn't mean I'm telling you my past." I told him.

Swiftly kyoya and I practiced the waltz in the dim room. I'd become a pro at dancing in a few short hours. Who knew?

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