chapter 8

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I got to tamakis room rather quickly. When I entered I saw he'd been knocked over with a shaking haruhi on top of him.

"Haruhi!" I said as I ran up to them.

"Its not what it looks like!" Tamaki said shakily.

"I know its not, she gets terribly scared at thunderstorms and lightning." I said hauling haruhi off of him. She then pushed herself against me and buried her head in my shoulder. "Ssshhhh, its okay haruhi. I'm here." I said gently to her to calm her down.

"She's afraid of thunder?" Tamaki asked sitting up.

"Yeah." I said as I moved my hand up and down haruhis back to comfort her. Haruhi screamed slightly at the next roar of thunder. "Its alright haruhi, there's nothing to fear." I said as she shook wildly.

"Wow..." Tamaki said as he watched me comfort haruhi.

"What?" I asked.

Tamaki smiled, "your such a good friend to haruhi. Your so gentle and comforting to her."

"Its one of the only things that can calm her down if she gets this scared." I said with slight sadness in my voice. "I'm one of the only people she had at times like this. I hadn't even realized her fear until the start of middle school."

"Still, you always seemed like the tough casual to me."

"Well everyone has some sort of soft spot, mine is just a good talent for being consoling towards others." I said. Again I said some more soothing words to the shaking haruhi, "its okay, tamaki and I are here." I said as I reached towards him. He nodded and came to hug us both.

We all stayed like this until haruhi calmed down enough to speak properly about 20 minutes later. "Chris, tamaki," she said pulling away.

"We're here haruhi." I said smiling gently. My shoulder was almost soaked from haruhi slightly crying for so long.

"Thanks. I'm so glad you came." She said hugging me tightly. I never was one for hugs or being remotely touched in the other world but here I didn't care.

"No matter what I'll be here for you." I said as we pulled away.

"We'll be here." Tamaki corrected. He also smiled gently.

"Thanks guys, I'm so happy you care." Haruhi said.

"You think you can sleep?" I asked.

"Maybe if the thunder stays quiet long enough..." Then a clap of thunder filled the room, haruhi instinctively jumped in fear and again pressed herself against my shoulder with a yelp.

"Sshhh, its okay." I said to her.

Tamaki observed in awe at how apparently I was great at consoling another. His eyes were ones of astonishment at how I calmed haruhi down.

Back at Oran academy, my usuals left as a sadder customer came towards my table.

"What's wrong?" I asked her.

"Recently, I just found out one of my cats died of sickness.......her name was starlight." She said slightly crying. "Tamaki said I should go to you...."

"Well, calming people down is my specialty." I said gently grabbing her arm. "Come here." I finished hugging her, she rested her head on my shoulder and slightly cried. "I know how it feels losing a loved one."

"You do?" She asked pulling away.

"My dog died some 3 years ago. His name was firroth." I said smiling gently and sadly.

"Your dog?"

"An Australian Shepherd. To be exact." I said to her. "He was the best friend you could get."

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