👑𝘏𝘰𝘳𝘳𝘰𝘳 𝘔𝘰𝘷𝘪𝘦👑

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Scene: Inside De-Sinclair Limo.

Kalianna's POV.

"I can't believe I'm late!" I hissed while Madeline drove me to me school.

My classmates and I were doing a horror film which was being directed by Nino.

The boy had selected certain people for each role. Mylène as Agent Smith, Adrien as Officer Jones, Ivan as the monster, and me as the backup actress.

I can act pretty well if I do say so myself. I'm practically a pro.

And yes, I'm bragging, so what?

Anway, I was currently late. Earlier, I had to fly out to do a TikTok collab with Larray, then I got distracted with going on a shopping spree with him, and then we got fast food and ice cream together.

It was only when Nino called me and asked me where I was, I remembered my role. I quickly rushed to my private jet and told my pilot Ruben to get me back to Paris as soon as he could.

He of course obliged, but it took a lot longer than I expected. So, here I am, in my limo, being driven to school.

"It's not your fault Ms. De-Sinclair. Everyone forgets," Madeline assured me. "No one's perfect."

"You right, but still, I shouldn't have allowed myself to get so distracted on the day of the film my class is creating," I sighed.

"Well luckily we're sparing no more time," Madeline said as she stopped the limo, she then got out and opened the door for me. "We're here,"

"Yes!" I smiled brightly while I hurriedly exited the limo. "They might need me right now, I better get in there!" I rushed up the steps, entering the school. My eyes widened when I saw Ivan comforting a crying Mylène?

"Ivan! Mylène! What's wrong?" I rushed over to them. "What happened?"

"Chloé happened," Ivan snarled. "During the shoot of our film, Mylène got scared of my monster mask and Adrien when she bumped into him. Then Chloé made her feel even more bad about herself by saying by saying she got an Oscar award for being the best pathetic scardy cat ever,"

Mylène began to cry even more.

"Mylène! I'm so sorry! Ummm... look, don't listen to those bozos okay? Easy to judge when they're not in front of the camera. You're doing awesome. Come back! I promise I'll roar more quietly." Ivan assured the girl.

Mylène looks at him.

I won't lie, they'd go really cute together.

Ivan gives her a black skull pin just then. "Here. It's from my favorite band, the Zombie Skull Crushers."

"Wow..." Mylène puts the pin on her hat. "Uh, that's, uhh... really sweet of you, Ivan. But... they're right. I can't act to save my life... Excuse me!" She runs away crying.

"Mylène, wait!" I called after the girl, but she continued running.

Poor girl. I felt angry at Chloé that she put her down as if she was some dog.

Ivan growled and stormed up the steps, me following right after him.

"Epic, Chloé! Just epic! What are we supposed to do now without our leading actress?" We heard Nino rant.

"Who needs her, anyway? She was totally lame!" Chloé replied back.

"The only lame one I see here is you. You've got some nerve calling Mylène a scardy-cat and making her cry!" I scowled at the blonde brat.

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