👑𝘏𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘺𝘮𝘰𝘰𝘯; 𝘗𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘐👑

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(Sukura41: Because you guys wanted a sequel, you will be getting a honeymoon special and another 2 special chapters. Then this book will be over. 😊. This whole chapter was written by yours truly, Gothic_Vampire_Queen.)


Kalianna's/Adrien's POV; 3rd Person.

Kalianna smiled as she relaxed against her seat in the De-Sinclair private jet she and Adrien were on.

The newlywed couple was on their way to Venice in Italy, and Kalianna was really excited to be going there for her honeymoon. She turned her head and saw Adrien video chatting with Nino, earbuds in his ears as he smiled at his best friend.

"Of course Nino, I promise to take plenty of videos and pictures on the trip to show you and everyone when we get back," Adrien says before smiling.

Kalianna smiled as well, pleased to see him happy. Her attention then wandered to a certain black kwami in front of her husband casually eating Camembert cheese.

She still didn't understand how Plagg could possibly eat so much cheese considering he already had four empty containers spread around him, let alone actually able to tolerate the smell of the cheese itself. Shrugging, she turned to her own kwami Tikki, who sat on her right shoulder, peeking out the window of the jet, clearly excited to be going on the trip.

"And I thought I was excited about this trip," Kalianna said, reaching up and stroking Tikki's head.

The small Kwami of Creation looked up at Kalianna and giggled cutely.

"I've actually visited Venice before but that was many decades ago. I'm lookout forward to seeing if it's changed at all since I've last been there." Tikki replied.

As Kalianna leaned forward in her seat, she reached out to a tray of snacks set out by the flight attendants and grabbed a chocolate chip cookie from the tray. She broke it in half and shared half of the cookie with Tikki. The small kwami happily took her half and smiled up at the noirette.

Both were completely oblivious to Adrien, finally hanging up on his call and looking up at them both. He couldn't help smiling as he watched Kalianna take a bite of her sweet treat.

Standing from his seat, he walked over to Kalianna and Tikki. He sat down on the armrest of the chair, leaned down, and stole a bite of his wife's cookie. Kalianna looked up as he smiled down at her, licking the chocolate chip smudges off his lips. Smirking, Kalianna turned to him and innocently held up the rest of her cookie to him.

"Say aah~," She said in a teasing tone.

Her teasing and the mischievous smirk on her face caused Adrien to blush lightly.

His reaction caused Kalianna to chuckle before she leaned up and gently place a kiss on the tip of his nose. This caused Adrien's blush to deepen and also caused Kalianna to giggle even more.

"If you were hungry, you could've said something." She smirked as Adrien tried to cover his blushing face.

Kalianna reached into her designer purse and pulled her cell out before she smiled happily at Adrien.

"Wanna do a new video with me?" She asked as Tikki flew off her shoulder and sat down next to Plagg.

Adrien looked at Kalianna and smiled before he picked her up bridal style and sat down in her chair before sitting her down in his lap, her back pressed against his chest. He leaned down and gently pressed a kiss against her cheek as he smiled softly at her.

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