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Scene: Agreste Car.

Marinette's POV.

"Chéng dàshī, nín shì dì yī cì lái bālí ma? (Master Cheng, is this the first time you've visited Paris?)" Adrien asked my uncle in Chinese.

"Bù, wǒ 30 nián qián láiguò zhèlǐ. Nǐ kěyǐ shuō yīkǒu liúlì de zhōngwén. (No, I have been here 30 years ago. You can speak Chinese fluently.)" My uncle says back in Chinese as I look out the window grumpily, feeling left out.

"Xièxiè zhèng lǎoshī. (Thank you, Master Cheng.)" I heard Adrien say.

"My English very bad, not like your Chinese." My uncle suddenly said in English, shocking me and Adrien.

"I thought you couldn't speak English," Adrien said.

"Uh, me too," I spoke up.

"Oh, no, not good. My English not good."

I giggled.

"Take us to the De-Sinclair Villa please," Adrien requested to his bodyguard.

I looked at him with surprise, then annoyance as the car made a turn. "Why are we going to that b*tch's house?"

Adrien sighed. "Marinette, please, I'd appreciate it if you don't call my fiancée that. We're going to her house to pick her up."

"But why?!" I asked angrily.

"Because she's one of the judges for the contest," Adrien revealed.

I gaped at him, then gritted my teeth, clenching my fists in anger while I looked out the window.

'Why did she have to be one of the judges! Ugh! She's gonna ruin everything for my uncle!'

Kalianna's POV.

I was outside waiting for Adrien when his car showed up. I smiled, going up to the car, I opened it, my smile dropped when I saw Marinette and along with a man that looked strangely familiar inside.

"Oh, hello there," I greeted the man, who in return bowed. I then looked at Marinette, who was glaring at me.

"Get in the front so I can make room to sit next to my pookie." I snapped.

"No. Way." Marinette hissed.

"Marinette, please," Adrien pleaded.

Marinette looked at him with disbelief, then shot me a nasty glare before getting out of the car and getting in the front.

Adrien's POV.

"Qǐng nǐ kuài diǎn guòqù hǎo ma? (Would you kindly scoot over please?)" I asked Mr. Cheng.

"Dāngrán, (Of course,)." He nodded and scooted over, allowing Kalianna to get in and close the door before she snuggled up next to me, I blushed as the car began to move.

"Who's that man?" Kali asked me, pointing at Mr. Cheng.

"He's Wang Cheng, Marinette's uncle. He's also a famous Chinese Chef." I explained.

"Ah, that explains why he looked so familiar. He and my Uncle Lorenzo were on a cooking show together!" Kalianna smiled.

"Oh really?" I asked in awe.

"Yeah, the show was called, 'Cheng Shifu & Lorenzo Měishí (Cuisine)'," Kalianna giggled. "They ended it at season 7."

"I'm so watching that show tonight," I said.

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