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Scene: Le Grand Paris Hotel; Lobby.

3rd Person POV.

"Do you have Kalianna, Marinette and Alya on your list, Mr. Bourgeois?" Miss Bustier asked the mayor.

"It doesn't look like it," André responded, observing the list.

"I bet I know who helped Daddy make the assignments," Alya says to Marinette, who was staring dreamily at Adrien.

The bluenette snapped out of her trance when she saw Chloé snuggling up to the uncomfortable blonde.

"Of course she gets to spend an entire day with Adrien! Urgh! This is gonna be the worst day ever!" Marinette proclaimed.

"There must be an oversight," André comes to a conclusion, still looking at the list.

"Daddy!" Chloé hollered, waving a sheet of paper around.

André goes over to his daughter and takes the sheet. "Thank you sweetie. Ah, oh yes! Alya, you're going to be... sorting trash at the main dumpster."

Alya gasps in outrage.

"And Marinette," André continued. "You will be..."

"Sorry I'm late Miss Bustier." Kalianna strutted into the hotel. "Had to fly out to do a TikTok collab with Charli D'Amelio." She looked over at Adrien and smirked. "Hey pookie," She went around the desk, cupping his chin and giving him a sweet kiss, which he returned.

Chloé and Marinette growled at this. Just then Chloé smirked.

"Daddy! I forgot to give this one to you too!" The bratty blonde handed her father another sheet of paper, which he took. "It's the job Little Miss TikTok Queen will be assigned too." She smirked at Kalianna, who narrowed her eyes.

André's pupils constricted when he saw the job Kalianna would have.

"Well? What is it?" Kalianna asked impatiently, her hands on her hips.

André leaned towards his daughter, whispering in her ear. "Um, Chloé dear, I think it's best you'd pick another job for Kalianna."

"I want that b*tch to have that job, now do as I say." Chloé hissed back.

André sighed, then turned to Kalianna. "K-Kalianna, y-you will be... s-scrubbing toilets for the h-hotel rooms."

Marinette and Chloé smirked in triumph.



André flinched while Miss Bustier let out a slight yelp of surprise at Kali's outburst.

"You heard what he said." Marinette spoke up. "So I suggest you go start scrubbing." She smiled smugly at the flawless-skinned girl.

"Marinette!" Adrien spat, glaring at the bluenette, whose smiled dropped.

Kalianna cleared her throat. "André Bourgeois,"

André felt chills when she said his full name in a calm manner.

"Let's talk," The noirette gave him a cat-like smile and began walking away to the elevator.

André scurried after her.

Kalianna's POV.

I pressed the button for the sixth floor and the elevator doors closed. I could feel that André was extremely tense and scared beside me.



"Did I say you could speak?" I coldly interrupted the sorry excuse of a mayor.

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