👑𝘍𝘪𝘯𝘢𝘭𝘦; 𝘗𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘐👑

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(Sukura41: This chapter was written by Gothic_Vampire_Queen.)

Scene: Sinclair-Agreste Mansion.

Adrien whistled as he picked up his son Kaiden after changing his diaper.

"There, freshly changed bud," He said.

Kaiden looked at him, before reaching up and touching his nose with his little hands.

Smiling, Adrien held his son close and gently tickled him, and he let out small, adorable giggles.

"Are you done changing him, or are you two still goofing around?" Kalianna asked, entering the nursery.

Adrien turned to the doorway of the nursery, to see Kalianna enter the room, carrying Emilie in her arms, as their little girl hugged a Cat Noir plushie in her little hands.

"Yes, I finished changing his diaper." Adrien replied as Kaiden reached his hands towards Kalianna.

Smiling, the woman walked over and kissed his head as Kaiden held a lock of her hair in his little hand.

"This is so humiliating and disgusting." Plagg complained, floating past the family with Kaiden's old diaper.

He went to the trashcan and tossed out the dirty diaper into it before waving his hand limbs in disgust.

"You find that disgusting, and yet you don't get grossed out eating moldy cheeses you've left outside for months?" Tikki asked, shaking her head as she floated next to Kalianna.

"Hey, don't talk about my precious cheeses like that!" Plagg replied back, pouting as he crossed his arms.

Adrien and Kalianna couldn't help but laugh.

"Are you almost ready to go?" Kalianna asked, taking Kaiden from her husband, and swapped him with his sister.

Adrien took Emilie into his arms, who smiled happily up at him, and touched his cheeks with her little hands.

"I'm still not sure if it's a good idea for me to go out tomorrow night and leave you all alone." Adrien said, looking displeased.

"Okay, if it makes you feel better, how about I invite the girls over for a girls night? That way I don't stay here alone with the kids?" Kalianna suggested.

Adrien thought over her words, before she gave a nod and smiled,

"Okay, and I can call you every hour, and you have to please promise you'll call me if anything happens." Adrien replied back.

Rolling her eyes, Kalianna sighed and gave a nod. "Fine. I thought you were supposed to be my husband, not a helicopter parent." She muttered as they exited the nursery.

Both walked downstairs to the living room and set the twins in their playpen in the middle of the room before Kalianna pulled her phone out and texted Alya and the girls. Adrien held up a big, plastic toy car up in front of Kaiden's eyes and the boy raised his tiny hands up, wanting the car. Smiling, Adrien handed the toy to Tikki, who waved it in Kaiden's line of vision as Emilie played with her plushies happily.

Kalianna sat on the couch as she watched her kids play, when her phone went off repeatedly, signaling she got messages. She looked down at her phone to find messages from almost all the girls, informing her they all have plans tomorrow night.

"Bad news Pookie. All the girls are busy tomorrow." Kalianna spoke up, standing up from the couch.

Adrien turned to her surprised, as he walked closer to her and pulled her close.

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