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Scene: Dupont High School.

I stepped into the courtyard with a smirk, feeling very excited.

I always got excited when I was about to cause some havoc.

I noticed three certain b*tches smirking at me in my sideview.

Heh, they have no idea what they're in for.


While it was lunchtime, I was sitting on Adrien's lap, sharing sweet kisses with him. I glanced in the corner of my eye and noticed the three little rugrats sneaking out of the lunchroom.

"Even with bruises you still look beautiful." Adrien whispered to me.

I giggled. "Thank you, but unfortunately the compliments will have to wait. I'm about to set my plan in action~." I smirked.

Adrien smirked back. "Go do your thing Princess."

I got off his lap before walking out of the cafeteria, going straight towards the locker room.

I knew the next step they were planning.

Chloé's POV.

"Guys, I found her locker!" I informed the two airheads after I noticed the gold painted locker.

"How do you even know that's hers?" Rossi sneered.

I rolled my eyes. "Only a sk*nk who thinks she's better than everyone would have her locker painter gold! I have to say though, she does have taste."

"We didn't come here to admire her d*mn locker." Dupain-Cheng snarled, slamming open the utterly gorgeous locker. "We came here to frame the b*tch. Lila, put your necklace in."

Rossi took off her necklace and put it in the locker.

"Now Chloé, your shades."

"Ugh," I reluctantly took off my shades and put them in.

"Good," Dupain-Cheng closed the locker. "Let's go before-" She stopped. "Wait," She smirked. "Slight change of plan." She took off her tacky purse and opened the locker door before putting it in and closing it again. "There! Now let's go." She began walking towards the doors, me and Rossi following behind her.

Just then Little Miss TikTok b*tch opened one of the doors.

Kalianna's POV.

"What are you guys doing in here?" I asked, pretending not to know.

"None of your business." Marinette hissed.

"Those bruises look good on you. Hope they don't fade and you have to stick with them while your saying your vows to Adrien." Miss Liar smirked at me.

"Was that supposed to irritate me?" I picked at my manicured nail, staring at her with a blank look. "You do know there's a thing called foundation right? Something you couldn't afford."

Miss Liar scowled and shoved past me, then Marinette went next.

When Chloé tried it, I held out a foot, tripping her, causing her to face plant.

"Oww!" She shrieked. "My face!" She ran to catch up with Lila and Marinette, holding her face.

I smirked.

Marinette kept glancing back at me so I closed the door and pretended to start leaving.

Once the three were gone, I quickly doubled back and rushed inside the locker room, closing the door and hurrying over to my locker and opening it.

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