👑𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘚𝘩𝘰𝘸👑

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Scene: Agreste Car.

Kalianna's POV.

Me and Adrien were going to The Mime Show as a pair.

Nathalie was currently talking to Mr. Agreste on her phone.

"Yes, sir. Understood, sir. I'm, sure he'll understand, sir." She hung up.

Adrien sighed. "My dad's flaking, isn't he? Let me guess. Something came up?"

"Yes, but he has reserved the best seats in the house for you and Kalianna, Adrien. Front row." Nathalie says.

"As usual. The best money can buy." Adrien looked out the window, upset.

I frowned, I hated seeing him upset. I put my hand on his shoulder, giving him a mouth-closed smile.

"Look on the bright side, at least we can spend some time together."

Adrien looked at me, blushing. He then smiled. "Yeah, your right."

Suddenly, the car jolted to a stop.

"What's going on?!" I shrieked, clutching Adrien's arm.

Suddenly, Miss Tacky Red Suit landed by the car, spinning her yo-yo.

"Get out of the car and find a place to hide, I'll cover you." She said as Adrien rolled down the window, staring at her.

She stares at him, until she noticed me beside him clutching his arm. She glared at me.

Suddenly, a hit landed on the car, a villain began to shoot arrows at Ladybug.

Adrien grabbed my hand, quickly exiting the car with me, Nathalie, and his bodyguard.

"Go hide somewhere, I'll get help!" Adrien told me.

I nodded, kissing his cheek. "Be careful." I then ran off after Nathalie and the bodyguard.


Marinette's POV.

I grabbed Alya's phone out of the trashcan outside the Louvre.

"Got it!" I held it up, cringing in disgust when I saw the trash on it.

Scene: Eiffel Tower. Nighttime.

I sat down next to Alya in the empty front row seat, the show was about to start.

"Ah, hey, you're here too, cool."

I turned to see Adrien, I smiled big at him, but it turned into a scowl when I saw Kalianna hanging off his arm.

"We were kinda hoping to be sitting up front alone." Kalianna narrowed her eyes at me.

"Well too bad," I retorted.

"You know what, we can sit in the second row, it's no problem." Alya intervened, standing up.

I looked at her in disbelief. "What?! Alya-!"

Before I could continue Alya had already dragged me to the second row.

"Alya what the h*ll?!" I snapped at her before I watched as Kalianna and Adrien sat down.

"Gurl, I told you this before, it's better not to p*ss her off." Alya reminded me.

"Your hand feels so warm and perfect with mine pookie," I heard Kalianna swoon.

I growled at this.

"Anyway, did you bring my phone?" Alya asked me.

"Can I lean on your chest?" I heard the wannabe TikToker ask.

"Sure, Princess," Adrien allowed.

I seethed with fury and jealousy, disappointed that Adrien had gave her permission to lean on his chest.

That should've been me!


Kalianna's POV.

I snickered as Marinette shot me and glare before she stormed away with Alya.

Jealous b*tch.

"Come on, let's get you home." Adrien put a hand around my shoulder and began guiding me towards the car.

Lila's POV.

I was walking around, exploring Paris. Suddenly, I spotted Adrien taking that TikTok sl*t to a car.

I smirked. Maybe I can convince him to take me home!

I quickly made my way over. "Adrien~!"

He turned to me with Kalianna, who narrowed her eyes at me.

"Oh! Hey, Lila. What's up?" Adrien asked me.

"Well, I was wondering if you could take me home? I unfortunately got lost while exploring." I lied, chewing on my lip after.


"He would but unfortunately there's no room." Kalianna interrupted Adrien, giving me a smug smile before looking at Adrien. "Right pookie?"

"Well, Nathalie's sitting at the front while we're sitting at the back, she could sit next to us." Adrien protested.

"Great, thanks!" I was about to walk towards the car but what caught me off guard was that Kalianna shoved me in my chest, sending me stumbling back.

Adrien's POV.

"Kalianna!" I exclaimed. "Why would you-"

She glared at me, shutting me up. She then turned to Lila.

"Why would you push me in my chest?! It's very fragile since I had cancer a year back-" Lila was cut off when Kali backhanded her in the face, causing her to gasp as she held her cheek.

"You've got some nerve lying about cancer when there are millions of people suffering out there from it!!" Kalianna was furious. She pointed a finger at Lila's face.

"Your not getting in that d*mn car, I don't care if your lost. H*ll, your probably lying about that too. Walk your a** home, you've got legs." She turned away from her and grabbed my hand, dragging me away to the car, she then turned around and dragged me over to Lila, pointing a finger in her face again.

"And stay. Away. From my man," She hissed before she once again began to drag me away to the car.

I blushed. H-Her man?!

I never knew Kalianna could act so possessive...

I kinda like it...

Lila's POV.

I gritted my teeth and clenched my fists, watching as the car drove away.

I screamed my lungs out, pulling at my hair, ripping out a few strands.

Marinette's POV.

"I don't know which was worse. The fact that b*tch showed up hanging all over Adrien's arm or her making flirty comments and getting touchy with him while I couldn't see sh*t!" I hissed, clenching my fists and stomping my foot.

"You so need a chill pill right now." Alya says.

"I can't believe you had us sit in the second row while my sweet Adrien and that wannabe barbie were getting cozy in the front!" I glared at her.

Alya rolled her eyes. "Whatever. You still haven't answered the question about my phone!"

"Um... well..." I rubbed the back of my neck.

"Well what?" Alya asked.


(Sukura41: And you guys know what happened from there)

Word Count: 1,025

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