👑𝘊𝘭𝘢𝘴𝘴 𝘗𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘰👑

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Scene: Collège Françoise Dupont.

Marinette's POV.

I watched as Adrien laughed with Nino.

"I'm gonna be in a photo with Adrien! I'm gonna be in a photo with Adrien!" I said excitedly.

"Right, 'cause uh- it's a class photo and you're in the same class as Adrien," Alya says.

I nod eagerly. "M-hm, amazing, isn't it? Oh. My. Gosh!" I freaked out when I thought of something. "What if we're standing in the same row together?"

Alya laughs. "Oh girl, your too funny! Just smile and whatever happens, don't forget to breathe!"

I smiled.

"At least you're gonna be in the photo," Juleka says as we turned to her and Rose.

"No, Juleka, I'm telling you, you're not jinxed! This time it's gonna work out, I can feel it, right here!" Rose leans on Juleka as she placed her hands on her chest.

"What's this about being jinxed?" I asked as I got up.

Juleka sighs. "Ever since I was little, every time someone takes a photo of me, something always goes very wrong." She then tells us about all the times she's been jinxed in photos.

"You're wrong Juleka, you'll see!" Rose assures.

"For sure!" I nodded. "We'll do everything we can to make sure it goes right this time. Don't forget to smile!"

Juleka smiles.

"Pookie!" I heard a familiar voice yell.

I turned to see Kalianna hugging Adrien, and he was hugging back!

I rolled my eyes. "Ugh, I hope she's the one who gets jinxed." I grumbled.

Kalianna's POV.

"Ok, time to flash your pearly whites, guys!" Vincent walks up to me and my class. "You kids take a seat in the front bench." He says to Max, Alix, Rose, Marinette, and Mylène. "Quickly please, I've got sixteen other classes to shoot."

The five all sit on the front bench.

"Look Sabrina, they're up front in the baby seats! Go on rugrats, don't forget to take your thumbs out of your mouths!" Chloé shouted at them.

"They're more mature than you, so zip it." I rolled my eyes.

Chloé glared at me.

"Well, next row! Hmmm... You, you, you, and you," Vincent points at Nathaniel, Alya, Sabrina, and Chloé, who gasps. "go stand on the rear bench, please."

"Wait just one minute! I'm supposed to be in the middle row, right next to Adrien." Chloé said as she put her arm around Adrien's shoulder. "Preferably the center. Look, we're the same size!" She waved a hand over her and Adrien's heads.

"No your not, and don't touch my fiancé again." I clutched Adrien's arm, glowering at Chloé.


"Miss, please go stand in the back row, behind the rest. I've got no time for this." Vincent said.

"How dare you put me behind the rest?!" Chloé stormed up to him. "Do you know who my father is?!"

"Is he a photographer?" Vincent asked.

Chloé gasped. "No! He's-"

"Bummer, I could really use an assistant." Vincent interrupted her. "Now hurry up and take your place, or I'll put you up front with the babies!"

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