👑𝘏𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘺𝘮𝘰𝘰𝘯; 𝘗𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘐𝘐👑

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(Sukura41: This whole thing was written by Gothic_Vampire_Queen.)

Kalianna's/Adrien's POV; 3rd Person POV.

Kalianna and Adrien returned inside, showered, and changed before deciding they wanted to head downstairs to one of the hotel's resting for dinner instead of ordering room service. Adrien was currently waiting for Kalianna as Plagg and Tikki waited with him.

"Ugh, how much longer do we have to wait?" Plagg asked, sitting on Adrien's left shoulder as Tikki was on the male blonde's right shoulder.

"We've only been waiting for two minutes, Plagg," Adrien replied before he and Tikki shook their heads as the cat kwami.

"That's two precious minutes I could've been spending eating different types of delicious cheeses!" Plagg complained, raising his hand limbs in overdramatic effect.

Tikki sighed and Adrien rolled his eyes. He checked his phone when they heard footsteps approaching and all three looked up, and Adrien felt himself blushing heavily.

Kalianna approached them, wearing a sexy but elegant red dress with black heels. Kalianna noticed his stare and smiled.

"Sorry if I took so long." She apologized.

"N-No it's ok. You didn't take so long." Adrien replied, smiling as Tikki flew to Kalianna and sat on her right shoulder.

"Can we go now? I'm so HUNGRY!!" Plagg wailed, falling backwards and laying down on Adrien's shoulder, rubbing his tummy.

"How can you still be hungry if you ate so much cheese earlier?" Kalianna asked, walking up to Adrien and Plagg.

"I sometimes think he's got a black hole for a stomach," Adrien muttered, shaking his head.

Kalianna giggled before Tikki and Plagg hid in her purse before they headed to the Giudecca 10 restaurant. When they arrived they found various Italian dishes, breads, and fruits set out for guests.

Adrien couldn't help smiling when he saw all the food, which Kalianna noticed and couldn't help smiling as well at seeing his excited expression. Both were escorted to a table outdoors, overlooking the lagoon, and handed menus. As Adrien began to decide on what he was going to get, he saw a little boy walk up to his mother and tug on her shirt.

"Mommy! Mommy! There's a black rat eating cheese over there!" The little boy claimed, pointing in the direction of the cheese, fruit, ham, and salami station.

His words caused Adrien and Kalianna to freeze in their seats. Both shared concerned expressions as the mother of the child reassured him, there was no way a rat could have gotten onto the hotel grounds so easily. Kalianna pulled her bag off the empty chair next to hers and checked inside, only to find Plagg gone and Tikki inside all alone.

"He's gone!" Kalianna whispered to Adrien, who stood from his seat and ran to where the cheese, fruit, ham, and salami station is at.

There he found Plagg, happily stuffing his face and dancing around where the cheeses are set out. Adrien quickly grabbed him and returned to Kalianna's side just as one of the waiters walked over to the station to inspect what the child was saying.

Both pretended like nothing happened as they continued to go over the menu. After a few minutes, the two ordered different dishes. Their food arrived within minutes and they began to eat before Kalianna snuck a cream puff into her bag for Tikki. Plagg had been put on time out for being seen by another human and also sneaking off.

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