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(This chapter was written all by Gothic_Vampire_Queen. Go follow her!)

Scene: Le Grand Paris Hotel.

Chloé's POV; 3rd Person.

Chloé sat on the couch in her room, angrily scrolling over the photos of Adrien and Miss TikTok b*tch on her phone.

Talk about lame and tacky!

Suddenly, her bedroom doors flew open and she saw the hotel staff enter and began to clean out her closet and personal items.

"HEY! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU GUYS ARE DOING?! STOP!! GET OUT OF MY ROOM!!" She screamed, trying to get the help to stop.

But to her shock, they ignored her!

She watched as they carried her bags and clothes out the room before she began to follow, continuing to shout at them to put her stuff back. She followed them all the way downstairs and watched them set her bags outside the entrance.

"What the heck is going on!?" She shrieked. She was about to shout for her father when she saw him.

He standing next to Kalianna and Adrien by the reception desk, he looked completely defeated.

Chloé stormed over and rested her hands on her hips.

"What are you doing here!? This hotel is for important people ONLY!" Chloé glared at Kalianna but shot Adrien sweet smile.

The blonde turned away, wrapping his right arm around Kalianna's waist as he held her hand in his free one.

"Of course this hotel is for important people, that's why the staff is clearing out yours and your dad's stuff to make more room for the guests." Kali replied, smiling smugly.

Chloé stared in shock and disbelief before she flared up with anger.

"What?! You can't do that!! My daddy owns this hotel! He's the mayor of Paris! You're nothing but a sl*tty wannabe TikTok WH*RE!" Chloe screeched, only to flinch when Adrien shot her a seriously nasty glare.

"Say whatever you want b*tch, but sadly, your spineless daddy is no longer the owner of this hotel. My parents are. Well, technically, they always have been. I might even convince them to tear this place down and build a new, better hotel. As for being mayor, I'm afraid to tell you that position has been handed down to Mr. Armand D'Argencourt." Kalianna explained, smiling sweetly as she held up the hotel deed.

As she did, Adrien held up his phone, revealing a news congress going on at that very moment with the headline, 'Mr. Armand D'Argencourt, The New Mayor of Paris!'.

Chloé stared in complete shock before her whole face began to turn red with anger.

"What? Cat got your tongue?" Kalianna taunted the blonde brat.

"You... You... YOU STUPID B*TCH!!!" Chloé bellows, charging at the noirette.

She didn't get very far as Adrien jumped between the two girls, and shoved Chloé back, knocking her to the ground. She looked up at him shocked as he glared down at her.

"Don't you dare lay a hand on my wife again for I'll kill you." He growled in anger.

"Adrik-" Chloé began.

"Stop calling me that." Adrien hissed, interrupting her. "That nickname has been reserved for my friend which you no longer are. The Chloé I used to know was kind and sweet, your the complete opposite." He said before turning to Kal and gently escorting her away.

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