👑𝘈𝘥𝘶𝘭𝘵 𝘈𝘧𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘩; 𝘗𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘐👑

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(Sukura41: This chapter was written by Gothic_Vampire_Queen)

Adult Lady Luck/Cat Noir's POV.

Lady Luck sighed as she landed on the roof of a building near her old school. She felt tired even with her suit on, and her feet felt like they were about to fall off. She heard someone land next to her and turned to see her partner and husband Cat Noir, who looked at her concerned.

"Maybe we should call it a night Princess." He said, walking up to her and gently wrapping his arms around her waist.

"Yeah, we haven't seen a single akuma or robbery all-"

"HELP! HELP!!" Someone shouted from below.

"Spoke too soon..." Lady Luck muttered, clenching her teeth in anger.

Cat instantly moved away and allowed her to walk to the edge of the building and look down. He was going to stay out of her way of beating whoever it was that decided to disrupt his wife's chance to return home and rest her aching feet. He watched her jump into the alley between the building they stood on and the other one before he casually walked over and looked down over the edge.

He saw an elderly woman standing frozen at the entrance to the alley as Lady Luck was busy beating up someone in all dark clothing. Sighing, Cat Noir jumped down and began to escort the elderly woman out of the alley.

"Apologies for the disturbance ma'am. Please, allow me to escort you to the bus stop." He said gently as he linked her arm with his and began to walk her across the street to the bus stop.

"But what about your partner, young man?" She asked, looking over her shoulder into the alley.

"She'll be fine. If anything, I'm actually more concerned for the purse snatcher." Chat replied, sheepishly.

After escorting the elderly woman to the bus stop, he transformed his baton into its phone form and called the cops. After the call, he waited with the elderly woman until the bus finally arrived. He waved the older woman off, who handed him a few hard candies in gratitude before he casually walked back to the alleyway just as Lady Luck walked out. She dusted her hands off in anger.

"Feel a little better love?" He asked calmly, smiling gently at her.

"A little..." She muttered in an annoyed tone just as a police car arrived.

Two officers exited the vehicle and approached the hero duo before Cat pointed to the alley.

"He's in there." He explained sheepishly.

Both heroes watched the two cops enter the alley and then return, dragging a beaten and unconscious male out of the alley. Cat swallowed nervously when he saw the black eye, swollen cheeks, and blood noise on the man. He could also almost see into the man's mouth, and he appeared to have a few missing teeth.

"Great, he's in custody, let's go." Lady Luck said, using her yo-yo to swing away before either Cat or the cops could say a thing.

Cat turned to the two officers and smiled sheepishly, "She's having a bad day, excuse us." He said before extending his weapon and catapulting away.


Adult Kalianna/Adrien's POV.

Adult Kalianna/Adrien's POV

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