K-Pop Hipsters

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" Bruh, Big Bang, like, sucks balls. They have like no talent."

Umm, why do you think that?

" They got like no passion. My emotions aren't flowing out of me. Here, listen to this song by this band and listen to REAL music."

* Shittiest song I've ever heard*

You just don't like mainstream do you? You need to feel "different".

" WHAT?! Absolutely NOT, you just have horrible music taste."

Well you can go fuck yourself over there and continue being a bitch.

I really dislike hipsters. Minnesota is full of them. You've got to be different, and I have no problem with individuality, it's just these people pick the shittiest movies, books, and music that only a full 4 people have heard of, and try to play it off as "artistic".

And K-Pop is the same way. You can't like anything "mainstream". That's ALL just shitty music. Like Flower by Junsu, people thinking it's amazing even thought it really fucking is? No, you have to listen to this crappy indie band, because those are the ones with REAL talent.

Now I'm not shitting on indie bands or underground artists, because some are really fucking good and deserve more recognition, but if you don't like anything mainstream JUST because it's mainstream, then you need to lose that chip on your shoulder. I'm not saying you have to like mainstream, but respect it and the people who do.

And liking mainstream K-Pop already makes you a hipster. Yes it's more popular but isn't exactly "mainstream" yet. I could be talking on and on about Big Bang and they can think I'm talking about a sexual innuendo or something! Or maybe I'm having some trouble in math if I talk about F(x). Or I'm a radical feminazi if I sing, " GIRLS BRING THE BOYS OUT." They look at me like, " Da fuck is this bitch doing, I think she's on crack. Walk away." The opportunities are endless!

Ahh, the perks of being a K-Popper.

So you don't have to like mainstream, but at least respect the people that do. And please if you are going to listen to underground indie bands, LISTEN TO THE GOOD ONES. The shit these people listen to...I cry and pray for their music taste every night. Ugh.

Listen to music because you like it, not to be different.

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