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Wattpad has been fucking with me lately.

It's voting on stuff I've never even seen before, deleting my comments, my chapters, my drafts, etc. I'm sorry I haven't really been updating this, it's partially my fault and partially Wattpad's fault. I've been having long marathons of Running Man this weekend ( BlazingFyre what have you done to me? Why did you tell me about that show, I'm now addicted 😭).

And then once I finally write something Wattpad is like, " Ohhh, you wanted me to save/publish that. Oops, must of accidentally fucked up again. Now you have to start the whole thing over. Oh well!"

O_o I'm calm. I'm perfectly under control and not seething with rage right now. Nope. O_O

I'll try to get an update out, I'm just doing this all at once so I think it should publish...I hope it will, at least. Bye.

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