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"Don't you ever scare me like that ever, ever again

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"Don't you ever scare me like that ever, ever again. Okay" shinichiro hugged the girl.

Y/n was laid in her bed, the hospital was gonna release her because she argued with the nurses.

"I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking straight" she rubbed her arm. He let go of her and her father came in with a nurse.

"Sweetie , I think you should go therapy"

"What for? I'm not crazy" y/n snapped back.

"I know your not but it could be good for you. I mean after yesterday-"

"It was a mere accident and won't happen again. I'm fine there is nothing wrong with me so I'm not going to therapy."

"Y/n the split between me and your mother, plus the argument between you both. Seems to be taking a strain on your mental health-"

"I'm not going. Point blank period." Y/n crossed her arms and glared at her father.


"Can you tell me why your here today." The therapist said sitting behind her desk in front of y/n.

"I was forced by my father and boyfr-"

The female therapist raised an eyebrow. "Boyfriend?"

"He isn't my boyfriend" y/n replied.

The therapist, smirked to herself and decided to press on the topic. "But you see him as one of you were going to acknowledge him as your boyfriend."

"No I wasn't. He is just someone that cares for me."

"Cares for you how?"

Y/n smiled to herself, and talked not catching on. "Well, he tries to protect me which I find funny because he sucks at fighting. When he saw me the other night in my car crying. He didn't think twice to bring me inside and hold me. He didn't ask what happened or anything, he just held me."

"It sounds like he cares for you." The therapist said. She was now interested in this story. She was tired of old people coming in and complaining about their boring marriages, she finally found someone young. She wasn't old herself, she was only 23.

"Yea, he would often say he would marry me one day. But I-"

"You keep turning him down." The therapist said. Y/n nodded, with a slight frown on her face. "May I ask why?"

Y/n took a deep breath and looked at her phone screen saver. It was her, shinichiro who was holding Baji and Mikey upside down and y/n holding Emma. She showed the therapist the picture. "Mhm he's a cutie"

Y/n snapped her head and glared at the  ginger therapist in front of her. Now taking in the females features. She had short wavy ginger hair, a cute Beauty mark under her lips. She had nice arched eyebrows and long lash's. She also had big boobs that looked like pillows. Someone y/n lacked.

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