He who will never be cared like a porcelain doll

706 28 17

TW// mention of physical abuse

Choi Beomgyu. Once you heard the name, the first word that would come up in your mind is "troublemaker". Coming from a family of 6, the middle child Choi Beomgyu was hated by his parents.

They never liked Beomgyu's mischief. They have 3 sons and 1 daughter and the three of them always give their parents academic achievements, but the third child never did. 

They always scold Beomgyu for slacking off in his school and no matter how many times they transfer him, he just doesn't change.

When he was in elementary school, Beomgyu joined every single club he could be in and he always went home late from club practices. His parents would always get mad at him from not using his precious time studying rather than use it for some club he would ditch after he gets bored.

(A/N: I don't know about y'all but I commuted all by myself when I was in my 4th to 6th primary years. The amount of trust my parents have in me was immeasurable)

And in that early age, Beomgyu always gets compared to his 2 older siblings. When he entered middle school, he had a younger brother but he didn't feel any thrill. 

He thought that it'll just add to his parents' collection of 'children that would give them glory' and it'll just be another person to compare to Beomgyu.

He was deemed as the black sheep of the family ever since he started going to school. Don't get him wrong, he isn't dumb. 

Beomgyu is actually a smart person and he could top every single quarter only if he wants to, but he doesn't like prioritizing his studies, instead, he loves doing things that are music related.

He would rather waste a whole day practicing his guitar skills using the guitar that he would borrow from the music teacher and practice his writing skills so he can apply it in lyrics composition. His dream is to become a music producer and that's one of the things they hated about Beomgyu.

Just like one time in his 7th grade when Beomgyu got home late, he was welcomed by his mother's scolding.

"Why are you late again!? Did you try staying late at school to practice the damn useless guitar you were borrowing from your teacher!!?"

Beomgyu didn't answer and just continued to walk off. When he was about to go upstairs in his room, a hard punch from his father hit Beomgyu's cheeks.

"You disrespectful and useless child! Just when are you gonna learn Choi Beomgyu!?" He caresses his throbbing cheekbone and jaw and gets up from his fall wearing an expressionless face despite feeling a bit pissed.

He ignored the old man as always and ran upstairs to lock himself up to his room. Annoyance grew inside him as his father kept banging his door and telling him to open it.

The physical abuse started in his 6th grade. At first it was just a slap, but a year later, he started to receive punches from his father.

This kind of situation isn't new anymore and he knows that the occurrence of this scene will increase as he grows older.

They wanted him to become a lawyer and make lots of money. Their parents had already set their children's future profession and course. His oldest brother would be an engineer someday, his eldest sister would be a successful business owner, him as a multi-millionaire lawyer, and their youngest as a well-known doctor in the country.

'Ridiculous', that's what Beomgyu thinks about his parents' dreams for them. He never liked the idea of being caged in a single path that was created by the others, he wants to make his own, thus, resulting in a rebellious kid he is now.

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