You picked the wrong opponent

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We are gonna do a little time travel from the past events as we finally get to see a snippet of Taehyun's point of view while Beomgyu was having a crisis from the lack of his presence.

And for that, enjoy this little snack.


The floor squeaks from the friction of his shoe hitting the ground, Taehyun was walking in the middle of the corridor while carrying the materials and the finished canvas bags their class made just an hour ago for their home economics class. He was tasked to bring it to the faculty room after their activity before he could take his lunch.

After Beomgyu asked him a favor to teach their class president, Ahyoung, in their Literature class, he now usually started spending his lunch in the library with the girl. Not this time though, Taehyun had thought that the girl was starting to get a hang of it and rather gave her a simple assignment to fulfill before their next session so he had cancelled their study session.

And you're not gonna hear this from him but another reason why he called off his tutor session was because he badly misses his old lunch routine with his friends.

Let's just say, this is supposed to be his free time now.

Silently walking in the hallway, Taehyun was simply minding his business when he felt himself losing balance from the unidentified object that made him trip when he turned to the corners. Luckily, he didn't hurt himself although the canvas bags were now laying on the floor, scattered from the impact of being accidentally tossed.

He didn't immediately pick up the bags, instead, it took him some few seconds to digest what happened and stood where he was standing, a deep sigh of annoyance slipped out of his lips when his vision finally took a glimpse of that something that tripped him– or rather, someone.

"What the fuck do you want from me, Kim?" With his cold monotonous tone, Taehyun refused to look affected by the man's shenanigan, back still facing Junseok.

A scoff coming from his behind, Taehyun felt a harsh tug from his shoulder, making him face the said guy. He swears he might punch this jerk for real if he touches him one more time.

Junseok has always been like this. Acts like a pest from time to time just for the sake of entertainment. Taehyun had never liked his bullshit and never tolerated any of his actions. Yet for some unknown reason, this son of a bitch just doesn't stop targeting him and Kai. He even barely reacts anymore and would only talk when he felt his boundaries being violated.

Just like now. Junseok didn't only trip him for fun but also tugged his arms in a rude, forceful manner.

Although today was a bit different as it seems as Junseok's eyes were fiery blazed, his forehead creased, and all facial structure crumpled like a piece of paper, the usual irking smirk was nowhere to be found. Taehyun didn't have to stare at the boy in the eye to see how tense the shorter man is.

Well, maybe this time he has his reason.

"I should be asking you that, Kang. What the fuck do you want?"

Taehyun could only cocked his brows and grimace from the question. Why is he being interrogated now? The last time he checked, he was the one being tripped to fall.

Taehyun crossed his arms and shifted his weight on his left leg, looking all so sassy from the way he stood. He didn't respond to Junseok, instead glared at the boy back with the same intensity of annoyance.

"Oh don't fucking act like that in front of me. I'm done with your cockiness."

Taehyun released another irritated sigh, he brushed his bangs off his forehead and lightly shook his head. Did this guy hit his head or something? "And do you think I care?"

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