Chapter 12 | Kids &..

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THE MOMENT THE COUPLE LEFT THE ROOM they were bombarded by Shouta's students. All of whom wanted to thank the Hatake and ask him about his... hobbies? They didn't know. They only wanted to speak to the man.

Bakugou, ever so sweet, chose to speak first. "So old man, why aren't you a fucking Pro-Hero?!" Aggressive. The Hatake smiled gently at the kid and flicked him on his head. " You have no manners kid." Bakugou glared at him, furious, and mumbled something about 'old fucks'.

When it looked like the other children wanted to say something to the Hatake, he grabbed Shouta by his waist, gave the man a quick kiss and Shunshined to his apartment by himself.

He took his shirt off, already having noticed the huge bump on his bed, and sighed.

There in his bed lied a pouting child, chilling under the Hatake's blankets, drinking strawberry milk.

The kid looked up at him when he appeared so suddenly, but his pout only deepened and he looked away from Kakashi.

You could almost hear the arrow going through the Hatake's heart.

"You were with Aizawa." Hm? "Go back." Hm? What was this? "Touya." The kid looked up at him with his eyes teary. "You didn't say you would be gone for that long!" Ah... his kid was so cute.

Kakashi grinned down at the little shit hiding under his blankets. "You missed me?" The kid scoffed and rolled out, to the other side of the bed, on the floor. "You're annoying! Go back." Touya was even pointing at him that time. "You know you're my only kid right?" The kid pouted at him and even glared. "You haven't saved any kids lately?" The Hatake stilled. Oh wow. He actually has.

"..." How did his pout go even deeper? He grabbed his kid by the scruff of his neck and pulled him in for a hug. "You kind of suck Kakashi." True, true.

When Touya eventually got all his shit out, he made the Hatake carry him towards the kitchen. Ah, it seemed his kid had tried to cook for him and expected him to be here a few hours earlier. He heated up the noodles Touya made and sat the boy down on a couch in their living room.

The noodles didn't taste bad.

Okay maybe they did, but it was the sentiment that counted.

When he tried to sit down next to Touya, the kid all but sprawled over him, making sure every inch of him was covered with an annoying child. He didn't know the movie they were watching either, some kind of "Avenger" something. Ironic.

The kid cuddled with him the entire time and eventually dozed off on top of the Hatake. He didn't complain, because he didn't mind. Only smiled at his kid and ruffled his hair.

The kid's scars were still a problem, while he recently healed him up to a point where the staples weren't needed, he still had most of the blotchy purple on his legs and arms. He had already healed those on his face and torso. In a few weeks, he'd be able to continue the treatment. While treating the kid, he found out that the healing aspect of his Chakra, the "Mystical Palm" drained energy from the person who was being treated. It was weird, the Jutsu didn't work that way in Konoha.

"Maa. At least it still works."


After that USJ thing, Kakashi had a little eye opener. What was the point in a boring life, when all he knew was to fight? Had he tricked himself into thinking he could live this life peacefully?

What would've happened to Shouta, had he not been there when it all started to go wrong?

He should rethink his choices.

The Hatake had set up a base of sorts, eerily similar to one of Orochimaru's bases in the Sound. Here. In this base, he'd start training again.

He hadn't stopped training, really. But he had stagnated at one point. The great "Sharingan no Kakashi" or "Friend Killer" or "Kakashi of the Thousand Jutsu" had stagnated, why? The amount of Chakra Obito's Sharingan drained from him wasn't little, and it took most of his reserves to be able to even use the cursed eye. Remember when he passed out after fighting Zabuza? Yeah.

But not anymore. The moment he'd been transported to this world, he gained a one up. Both of Obito's eyes and an Uchiha's constitution. Meaning that the Sharingan took to him as if they were his own. No Chakra drainage, at all.

His loved ones in this place wouldn't go out the way his old ones did. They would live. Even if that meant getting rid of anything threatening their survival. Villain or Hero.

And so, the Hatake trained. He trained and trained, ultimately mastering his Sharingan. It didn't take long, around a week or so. He could now use both his and Obito's version of kamui, no surprise there.

He had always been above average.

super short but needed this for yk character development

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