Chapter 19 | What to do..

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THEY HAD CHOSEN TO, instead of releasing the villain, interrogate him inside of Kamui. Kakashi was of course skeptical about the entire ordeal at first, but Shouta managed to convince him.

Itachi would come with them, but he would exit when the interrogation began.

That same goddamn detective was called in because of his useful Quirk. He would be able to most effectively interrogate the Villain, right. As if the two Shinobi wouldn't be able to do that.

The fucking– Kurogiri or whatever the fuck was polite as ever. "Hello all." Kakashi nodded at the creature. They had informed him of its origins, but he was somewhat skeptical. The other "Nomu" he had fought was very different. It wasn't even able to speak.

He would let the interrogation proceed as it should, but after, he would try something out on the creature.

He looked over to Itachi, who hadn't spoken much. The kid was looking curiously at Kurogiri while tugging on Kakashi's sleeves. "Hm?" He hummed in question at the kid who opened and closed his mouth as if he didn't know how to say what he wanted to.

"Can I put it in Tsukuyomi?" That-

Kakashi hummed in thought. That wasn't a bad idea at all. The kid could comfortably explore the Nomu's thoughts, they didn't have a Yamanaka at hand, so Itachi's Sharingan ability would have to do. He nodded at the kid and ruffled his hair. "Yeah kid, try not to traumatize the Nomu." Good thinking Kakashi, remember when he was trapped in the torture eye? Definitely not a fun experience.

Of course they would have to do it at a later date, the Heroes had nothing like Kamui, a literal pocket dimension interfered with Kurogiri's teleportation ability, so they would probably leave the creature in the Hatake's care for a while.

Not knowing his guardian's thoughts, Itachi nodded seriously. He'd make sure the creature wasn't traumatized by the end of it.


Shouta looked over at the pair for a moment, what the hell was Tsukuyomi? And it would be great if the idiotic Hatake could at least explain his idea to the rest of the group before deciding to give the kid the green light. He groaned. He could be teaching his class right now.


The Hatake didn't participate in the Nomu's interrogation but, why was the Nomu so... cooperative? The surprisingly intelligent creature did not lie whatsoever. It dodged questions and straight up refused to answer some questions, but it did not lie.

"I cannot tell you where the League of Villains are situated." See– what a gentleman.

Yet, to Kakashi, it looked weird. The Nomu acted the way Tenzo used to during his time in ROOT, those brainwashed children who would do anything for their master.

Not that they had much choice.


Aizawa did not stay for the Nomu's interrogation, he chose to leave it all to the others. He and his partner's new ward left Kakashi's pocket dimension together.

While they walked towards Class 1-A, the child tugged on Shouta's shirt to get his attention. He looked at him and hummed in question, the child just held onto his shirt and clenched his fists slightly. "Can you have dinner with us later?"

He certainly liked this kid more than the other one, who would rather scratch his face off than have a civil conversation. It hadn't happened, but he could feel the other's distaste.

Snapped out of his thoughts by another tug, he nodded at the child. "Sure kid. I'll talk to your dad later." Ah fuck, the child probably didn't see Kakashi as his father–

Contrary to his thoughts, the child nodded. God. The fuck did that idiot feed his kids? They were so attached already.

He and Itachi walked hand in hand the rest of the way to his class. The pair's peaceful walk was interrupted by the amount of ruckus his students made.

"We must contact Aizawa–sensei. This is the latest he has been!" Iida of course. The kid's voice was distinctive, he could imagine his arms moving in chopping motions.

"No! Come on Iida. Chill a little bit." That must be Kaminari.

He sighed and looked down at Itachi. "You ready kid?" The child shrugged in return. He didn't really know what to expect from a class of children. He hadn't been in such a situation since his Academy days, which were very short.

When the pair walked in, the room immediately went silent.

Aizawa sighed and looked at the students with his usual tired face, his whole image somewhat distorted by the adorable child next to him with a tight grip on his hand.

Chaos ensued. "Who is that?" "He's so cute!" "What do you mean 'He'?! Isn't that a little girl?" "Sensei, did you kidnap a kid?"

His eye twitched at the last one. "This is Itachi. He'll be here for a bit." The kid bowed without letting go of Shouta's hand and said "Hello. Please take care of me."

sorry i haven't updated in a while, just not motivated

i have ideas but i just dk what to do w them

- itachi s probably gonna be very involved w aizawa's class

- shirakumo? maybe idk what to do w him

- kakashi quits job? oo

- kakashi tells touya everythin

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