Chapter 21 | A Lovely Evening

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Itachi looked so happy walking to Kakashi's house, the boy was almost skipping. Seeing the kid that excited made Aizawa smile a little bit. He knocked on the door and waited for it to open.

Instead of seeing Kakashi at the door— he saw Touya. Aizawa didn't know if Touya and Itachi had an amicable relationship yet and decided to just watch what would happen. He'd interfere if it'd get to a point of arguing.

Contrary to his expectations, Touya gave Itachi a half-hug and grumbled while welcoming them inside. Itachi beamed the entire way through and rushed towards Kakashi, probably to tell him about his subpar day at the so called "most prestigious" Hero Academy.

Aizawa and Touya didn't have much in common— excluding one Hatake Kakashi they both loved, but Aizawa wanted to connect with him. It wouldn't be fair to just leave the boy be because of his past, when both him and Itachi haven't had the most stable life before Kakashi— is what he assumed.

With his hand in full view of the kid, he extended his arm and went to ruffle his hair. He did it gently, so Touya would be able to push him off easily.

Instead of pushing him away, Touya leaned into his touch and let out a contented sigh. Poor kid. Probably didn't have the best adult figures in life judging from how he used to go out of his way to avoid Aizawa at any given time. Didn't know if he could trust the man.

He's glad the kid is coming out of his shell. Kakashi's doing a wonderful job.

Instead of eating a homemade meal, they decided to order in and watch a movie while they ate.

Touya and Itachi were sitting next to each other on the couch, trying to figure out which movie they could watch while eating. It was a hard job! There were so many movies to choose from, it was almost impossible.

They settled for watching Ponyo, a good family-friendly movie they could enjoy together. The food could've been better, but it wasn't terrible. The kids liked it so that was good.

After their movie ended, they just talked. Itachi had quite the story to tell. "— and then this person with blond hair said i looked like an elephant. I don't look like and elephant right?" He looked almost distraught while asking, with a cute pout on his face.

Touya looked at Itachi in fake-serious contemplation. "Well— I wouldn't say you don't." He then busted out laughing when Itachi made an offended sound. Aizawa smiled behind his scarf and leaned into Kakashi to whisper that Present Mic was an idiot and his kid didn't look like an elephant at all.

This was nice. Kakashi couldn't be happier, with his new found-family all in one spot and getting along with each other. He didn't deserve this.

filler filler wholesome moments before the storm????? perhaps

guys i have a confession to make... i've never watched ponyo

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2022 ⏰

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