Chapter 1 - Partners in Crime

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Partners in Crime -

The Oracle entered the console room in her pyjamas, seeing the Doctor looking at a monitor fully dressed. He spotted her and spoke up.

"Adipose industries!"

"Did you just call me fat?", she slumped into the jump seat.


"Frankly, it's admirable how creatively you put it" she shrugged, "But still, do you really think I'm fat? We've been sitting around a lot recently."

"Exactly. I'm bored. I want to see something. And Adipose Industries sounds like just the thing."

"Oh, so that's not what you just called me. It's an actual place or whatever", she concluded.

"Yeah. What did you think?", he finally looked at her properly with scrunched eyebrows.

"Never mind", she yawned and stretched before walking over and looking at the monitor, "A diet pill. You're so bored, you want to investigate a diet pill?"

"A working diet pill named after a species."

"Diet pills work all the time. Placebos sometimes. And you need to start believing in coincidence. Adipose is another word for fat."

"Oh, no, my love, you need to stop believing in coincidence. You've been alive for over nine hundred years. Grow up and get dressed!"

"Wow, now you're calling me old. I really do not want to investigate a diet pill, that's destined to be boring."

He gave her puppy dog eyes and she was about to give in when Martha's mobile rang on the console.

"Yes!", she picked it up, "You just made my day, what's up?"

Martha chuckled on the other end, "Why? What's he done?"

"I don't want to know, just get me out, what is it?"

"Well, I'm graduating tomorrow and I thought you didn't need a long heads-up to see me become a doctor."

"I do not. But I do want to see that. I get to see that? Can I come?"

"Please do. Tomorrow at twelve's the ceremony, then lunch and coffee with the family and later some friends are coming over. You know most of them anyway and they'd miss you so I just wanted to check and see if you wanted to join."

"Yes. Yes, gladly, tomorrow at twelve at uni. I'm there. See you in a minute."

She hung up the phone and turned to the Doctor, "Lovely, you heard that? I'll go get dressed."

She smiled while he just stared at her in confusion. She kissed his cheek and walked off toward the bedroom. She got ready in the bathroom before walking to the wardrobe, fishing out an oversized red blouse with big chest pockets, black trousers and black-lacquer dress shoes. Then she walked back to the console room where the Doctor was just landing the Tardis.

"So, you do your incredible new mission and I go to a party", she told him, putting her arms around his neck when he had turned to her.

"Yes. And stop with the sarcasm. You'll be sorry later."

"Oh, my love. There are many things I could be sorry about. But certainly not choosing my best friend's graduation over investigating a diet pill." She kissed him, took her purse from the hat stand by the door and waved on her way out.

He had parked a ten minute walk from Martha's university, with over half an hour to spare and so she walked all the way there. On her way she admired London's June-weather before she spotted Martha's family getting out of the car in front of the school. Tish waved at her from afar.

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